- 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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𝗞𝗮𝗰𝗶 𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘀 bounced her leg up and down with anxiety as she sat on the closed seat of her toilet and waited with the stick in her hand. The three minute mark had passed, and still, nothing was showing up. She didn't know what she was going to do if it was true, she didn't know what she could say if it was.
It would end her.

"Come on," she muttered impatiently, tapping the pink stick with the tip of her tiffany blue nails.

Two months without a period. Two months with morning sickness. Three months since she had sex with JJ.

One line.

The bouncing of her right foot stopped. She crossed her fingers.

Two lines.

Her heart stopped.

It was true.

Kaci Flores was pregnant. With JJ Maybankʼs baby.

At the sudden realisation, her stomach dropped. She slammed her free hand over her mouth. It couldn't be real. There was no way this was real. Her eyes welled up and she felt sick. She was trapped. There was nothing she could do to make this her imagination. Because this was reality. Kaci hated reality.

She couldn't deal with this. She wasn't good at dealing with crap like this. She wasn't good at doing things on her own. She always had someone to lean on. But she couldn't with this.

If there was one thing she was good at, though, it was taking away her emotions to think rationally. However, in a situation like this, that became pretty hard.

On one hand, she could just go get an abortion. Simple, right? But they'd need a parental signature.

Her parents would kill her. Her grandparents might've even burned her at stake for it.

Though, she could always fake the signature herself. She used to do that all the time as a kid.


Wasn't Kelceʼs aunt a nurse at Planned Parenthood? Fuck.

And on the other hand, there was the option of keeping it. The thought of a teen pregnancy made Kaci cringe. She always hated it in movies or in books when the main character got pregnant — it always seemed to ruin the whole plot. It just wasn't fun or exciting. If anything, it put her off having kids in the future.

Kaci knew the smarter option would be getting an abortion, but the people in OBX talk. And they talk fast. Not only would her reputation as the kook princess be destroyed, but her family would never speak to her again. If she did that, they would literally throw her out of the house. Make her homeless. Because growing up in a Mexican-Catholic household, abortion would be worse than the sex coming before it.

Which left her with option two. Teenage childbirth. Absolutely sickening.

Kaci was stuck, and she couldn't weigh out her options.

So she decided to sleep on it.

Soon, sleeping on it turned to ignoring it. Soon, it turned into believing it wasn't real. Soon, she was cutting pieces of her life apart. Soon, she was back to pretending everything was normal.

Soon, she was another month and nobody knew. Not her parents, not her friends, not her boyfriend — not even the baby daddy knew. Some days, she imagined she didn't know. Some days, her imagination blended into reality.

Because the more Kaci Flores denied her pregnancy, the more unreal it became. In her mind, Kaci wasn't pregnant. There wasn't a growing bump on her stomach. She wasn't having weird new cravings every week. She wasn't in constant pain everytime she bent over to shave her legs.

She was normal. Everything was okay. Everything was fine.

Soon, abortion was off the card. Soon, Kaci Flores had only the option to keep it.

So the secret stuck; she didn't tell a soul. As the months flew by, she stopped wearing tight clothes. As the months flew by, she stopped wearing bikinis and bathing suits. As the months flew by, she stopped having sex with her boyfriend.

Soon, Kaci Flores felt sick with herself. Soon, she really was trapped by this secret.

And she was determined to keep it for as long as she possibly could. If people found out now, she would be ruined. If people found out now, she would have nobody. If people found out now, she would have to believe it herself. And she couldn't believe it. There was no way she could actually be pregnant.

Soon, Kaci Flores lost all the trust she had with herself.

But there was no turning back now, and that was the only thing Kaci Flores knew for certain.

Authorʼs Note

hey, y'all!! i'm really sorry it's so short, i promise the next ones will be a lot longer — but i really hope you enjoyed this first chapter as much as i did, because i really really loved writing it. and i love writing ocs that come from the same ethnic background and culture as me — i am never going to stop doing it now. i have kaci flores and antonia luna, and hopefully soon i'll have val (it's a surprise). ummm...anyways back to the whole point of this, how are y'all feeling? i get that the teen pregnancy trope isn't for everyone but i actually really like this and i'm not usually this confident with my plots. lmk you're here so i can say ʼhiʼ personally. please, please, please don't be a silent reader, i actually love to hear all your thoughts and opinions.
love, tay </3

𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 - jj maybank Where stories live. Discover now