Chapter 24.75

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Seeing his youngest storm out of the room hurt his heart. But her words broke it. How could he have forgotten? He promised her. He told her he'd do anything to earn her forgiveness. Yet again, he managed to disappoint her, to disappoint himself.
He had no words for what he had done. He would have to make it up to her, again.

The damage had already been done.
There is no fixing something that has been broken so many times.

Noah and Ezekiel were at each other's throat again. Lemuel had already left the table, Ricardo sighed deeply. He would have to cancel on his princess in order to hold his promises.
And so his eyes went to Adaline. He saw her smiling. A happy smile, as if she had won a grand prize. Yet he thought nothing of it.

"Why don't we postpone our little getaway bambina?" He asked her softly.
Adaline looked at her father, the smile she so happily sported instantly vanished.
"Why?" Adaline asked him, annoyed.
"Well, it is true. I promised your sister that I would be there for her. I would support her."
"But we have been planning this for the past two weeks dad?! We already paid for everything. Why do you always shove me aside to accommodate her?! It's not fair!" Adaline started to tear up.

"Don't cry Addie, dad didn't mean it like that." Noah tried to shush her.
"She always does this. She always tries to take everyone away." She sobbed louder and louder.
"Dad, just have fun with Addie next week. Don't worry about Adelaide too much. Most of it is just a facade anyways." Noah commented.
Ricardo didn't know what to think. In the end, he acquiesced.

They had just ended dinner when Lemuel walked down with Adelaide in his arms and Ezekiel right behind them. What he heard broke his mind.

"No, please Kiel! I'm sorry. I'll stop! Please don't send me away. Don't leave me too! Please don't Kiel! I promise! I promise I'll be good. I'll be a good girl. I beg you, Kiel, Please!" They all heard Adelaide scream. It instantly reminded him.

"No please daddy. I'm sorry. I don't wanna go to momma's. I want to stay here! Please daddy! I don't like momma!..."
Adelaide screamed it out when she was put in the car to drive away to her mothers. If only he hadn't sent her away. If only he would've stayed with her, tried much more to help her, things wouldn't have escalated. Adelaide may have turned out differently, maybe more like her twin.

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