・BV2 Ep. 6 Waikiki

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"I can't believe you went to the bottom of the cage Minhee-"

"You should've done it too Jinnie-ah, it was so cool-"

"No wayyy, I'm too scared-"

As everyone else was getting ready for their friendship night in Waikiki, Minhee and Seokjin were eating some fruit cuddled up on the couch.

Swimming with sharks... was definitely an experience that's for sure. Out of all of them, Minhee was surprisingly the most excited. 

She hate's scary things mind you, but there's just something about being in Hawaii... Minhee didn't care what she did. 

Not only that, but experiencing these once in a lifetime opportunities with her seven best friends...

What a trip.

After multiple days of salt water and sunshine, Minhee's orange hair started to fade into a peachy strawberry blonde.

Now, who's idea was it to freshly dye her hair a few weeks before the trip? 

The fact that her hair started to fade and she was getting more tan because of the sun, Minhee really felt like a native Hawaiian. 

Since she packed a couple of formal outfits, the girl decided to wear one of them for their night out in Waikiki.

They only had a few days left in Hawaii, of course she wanted to dress up.

To hell with it-

Going to get changed, she put on her colourful bohemian short flowy dress that she paired with cream coloured wedges. (Refer to bv2 outfits chapter)

From this morning Minhee had two long dutch braids that stayed hold all day. Once unbraiding, her long (now strawberry blonde) hair was super wavy.

After finishing facing the mirror, Minhee eyed herself putting on mascara and spritzing some perfume.

As she was getting ready for her friendship date- *Cough Cough*

Friendship night with Jungkook, the girl contemplated her outfit many times.

Her cheeks were rosy and couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.

"Oi Minhee... Get it together-" She spoke to herself as she proceeded to shut the bathroom light, grabbing her bag before heading out of the room.

The boys stood waiting in the living room before leaving for their friendship outing. When she did, all eyes were definitely on her. 

"Yah!! Minhee-ahh!!!!" Jungkook trudged over

He was wearing all black head to toe with his Hawaiian straw hat hanging off his back.

"Why..." He eyed her head to toe

"W-What a-are you wearing?!??!??"

It was weird for him to see Minhee wear something so girly unless they were on stage or at an award show. Normally, this wasn't a look she'd go for. So it threw him for a loop.

Surprised by his outburst, Minhee tilted her head to the left in question.

"I brought some nice pieces of clothing and wanted to wear them before we leave... is that so wrong??" The youngest puffed out her cheeks cutely, putting her hands on her hips causing the other Maknae to grow quiet.

'Did I really just say that?'  The boy stopped in his tracks

He had no comeback to that statement and stared at her in silence causing the other members to laugh at his cute outburst.

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