CH 16 - Last Letter

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Hye Lin was outside of the cafe. She was watching you from inside the car. She was pity at you. You have to study and work at the same time to support yourself.

Lin : Let's go inside.

Jason : Okay, Miss.

Two of them get inside the cafe. They seat at one table. Mira was taking the order and you delivered it.

Lin : Y/N ?

You look at her with confused face.

Lin : Do you know me?

You shake your head slowly.

Lin : I'm your late mother's close friend and i was the one that sent you all of her letter.

Your eyes widen. Without thinking much, you hug her excitedly.

Lin : Oh my god ! You are growing up so well.

She said and make you sit at her side.

Lin : Introduce this is Jason, my assistant.

Both of you shake hand.

Lin : You've really become a beautiful girl.

She said and remove the hair string from your face. She frown when she notices your forehead scar.

Lin : What happen to your forehead? Who did this?

Y/N : I was tripped when i was walking. My forehead hit the rock. That is why.

You wrote in your notepad. She knew you lie to her. She hold your hand.

Lin : Do you still have the pendant by any chance?

Y/N : I still have it but that pendant is still at the Min's mansion. I didn't able to take it when i left the house.

You wrote again.

Lin : It's okay. I'll take the pendant for you. I know these people.

You eyes was shine happily. Hye Lin take you, Mira and Jaeri for lunch. She treat you guys some expensive food.

After that, she left to Jin Gui company. She wants to tell the truth today because she can't see you in this condition anymore. She was taking Jin Gui somewhere. Jason was driving the car.

Jin Gui : Where are you taking me?

Lin : Somewhere, brother.

Jin Gui : I know it somewhere but where?

He ask in annoy tone.

Lin : Relax, can you? I'm not going to kidnap you so don't worry.

Jin Gui : I just worry maybe you will sold my kidney or what.

Lin : So funny.

She said and rolled her eyes. Not too long, you guys arrive at graveyard. Jin Gui was confused.

Jin Gui : Why are we here?

Lin : To learn the truth. Let's go, brother.

She stepped out of the car and her brother did the same. She walks first and stops at one gravestone.

Jin Gui : Lin, don't joke like this.

Lin : Brother, take a look at the name and the photo at this grave.

He take a look and he saw....

Jin Gui : Min Yu Jin?

He also saw the photo on the grave.

Jin Gui : You're lie ! She's at home right now!

Lin : That one is not Yujin! She is her twin sister, Yena. Yujin already passed away 11 years ago ! And i witnessed itself when she been buried here..

She said sadly and her tears flowed slowly.

Jin Gui : No way ! You're lie ! My wife is still alive !

Lin : Brother, i was the one that hide Yujin from you. I made it like she leave this country but actually she was still in this country.

Jin Gui : How could you, Lin? She still my wife ! How dare you!

Lin : She was asking for help from me and i couldn't bare to refuse her. It's was your fault though. If you tell her the truth in the first place, then she won't left. She will still be with us right now.

Jin Gui : I didn't believe you. She was at home. She already back to the mansion.

Lin : Read this, brother.

She said and pass him a letter. His hand was shaking badly when he open the letter. He recognize the handwriting.


Hi, Min Jin Gui

This is me, Min Yu Jin. If you receive this letter, that means i was no longer live on this world and you already know the truth.

First of all, i want to say that i was really dissappointed with you. A lot actually. I was too disappointed and sad until i couldn't bring myself back to you. But trust me when i say that i really miss you and our sons.

I was too mad because you made our sons to be a mafia. How could you do that to our sons. I really hate you.

But as time flies and i am in worse condition, i start to regret my decision about leaving the house. If i know i will die like this, i want to spend more time with you and our sons but i didn't able to forgive you. Or our sons either. All of you lie to me.

Jin Gui, i have left one 'beautiful gem' that our sons really want. Please take care of our daughter well. Cherished her like you always do toward me. She have disadvantage so please protecting her.

I have another favor. Please don't make our daughter like what you did to our sons. That is the last thing i want from you. And please don't force her if she didn't want to live with you guys. If you are able to do that, then just regard that i have forgiven you already.

I also want to apologize if i ever hurt your feeling, made you mad or anything. This is the only thing i can say in my last letter. I love you and our kids a lot. I will always love you. My love never died...

- Min Yu Jin -


Jin Gui fell down on the ground after he read the letter. His tears were flowing without he know.  He look at Hye Lin.

Jin Gui : Is .....she...

Lin : She have keep one precious item from Yu Jin. If you found that thing, then all your question can be answer.

Jin Gui : Is it........


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