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After Bobby hands out everyone's timetables, the warning bell goes letting everyone know, they have five minutes to get to class. Walking out of the classroom, Derek and Angel are comparing their schedules, seeing which classes they have together. "So we have chemistry together after the break, with Mr Harris, then history, with Miss Jenkins. After lunch we have music." Derek says handing Angel her timetable back to her. Angel groans "Harasser Harris, you've got to be kidding me, I hate him but at least it'll be bearable if you're in there with me." Angel sighs.

"Alright this is my classroom here but, I'll see you in chemistry. I have to train for basketball practice at break and lunch." Derek informs Angel. "Alright see you then Der-Bear love you too infinity," Angel says waiting for Derek to finish. "And beyond" Derek completes their little motto with his smile walking into his class. Walking to the restroom Angel can hear the annoying voice of Elena Wilson she contemplated whether to go to class and want to piss the whole lesson or go now and risk having the chance to speak to her. Getting enough courage, she walks in. Opening the door, all eyes are on her. She turns to see Elena's just boring into her own.

"Well if it isn't the schools whore." Elena says earning laughs from her posse. "Everyone, it's Angelica Finstock." She announces. Trying to walk past them, calmly so she doesn't argue, a girl she has no idea existed pushes her back. All the girls gathered around her so she's surrounded by all of them. "What the actual fuck, is your problem?" Angel asks tiredly, due to her taking her tablets for her I.E.D. Due to her being a werewolf normal tablets don't work. So her mum and Talia's friend, Alan Deaton create special ones for her that work.

"No Angel what the fuck is your problem!" Elena exclaims, quiet 'yeses' coming from the other girls. "I don't have a problem, it's you Elena. So, I suggest, you and all your little friends walk out of here before I make you regret even coming near me." Angel defends herself stepping towards the bully. "What are you going to do Angel? Huh, hit me? Shout at me? Tell the teachers? You're not going to do that. Are you?" Elena asks question after question. Angel can slowly feel herself getting angry. Knowing that she'll regret what she does, she spins around and heads towards the door.

She doesn't get far before Elena grabs ahold of her hair and pulls her back. "Why're you walking away? Are you starting to get scared that you'll get beat up?" Elena continues to question her. "You're nothing, Angel." A girl behind her says. She turns around to see Rebecca, a girl she used to be friends with. Shaking her head in disappointment, she looks towards her old friend. Angel has absolutely, no words to say knowing she is now a bully. "You're a nobody." Another girl says "No one likes you." "You have no friends." "All your friends are fake." "No one is going to love you." "I wish you were never born." "You're worthless." "You're going to end up alone." The girls throws insults after insults at her.

Angel began to feel small and wondered how people could be so horrible. At that moment, she just wants to roll up in a ball and cry. Seeing Angel close to tears brought a smile to Elena's face. Nodding to all the girls they make their way out of the toilet, Elena hanging back. "All you are is a ticking time bomb. Tick, Tick, Tick Angel the times up." Elena tells her coming close towards Angel's ear. Having enough Angel turns around punching the girl around the face. "Yeah run away you pussy, that no one likes!" Angel shouts at Elena, while she runs out of the room crying. Clutching onto her jaw, from where she was hit.

Rushing to the toilet, so she doesn't be late for class. Angel runs through the corridors towards her classroom. Walking in all eyes turn to her "Your late Miss Finstock." Her geography teacher scolds her. "Sorry miss, I was just in the toilet it won't happen again." Angel apologises. "It best not. It will be a detention next time don't repeat your mistake." Angel quickly nods her head finding an empty seat at the back of the room. When the bell goes off, Angel quickly gathers all of her stuff together and shoves them in her bag, rushes out of the classroom.

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