~Chapter 13~

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Ellie's POV:

I was quite hungry, so I decided to go downstairs to ask Grant if there was anything I could eat. Whilst I was going down the stairs, I slid and fell down onto my side and hit the wall and stairs really hard. I immediately started crying due to the amount of pain I was in. Grant obviously heard me and came running to the bottom of the stairs and asked me if I was okay. I told him that my jaw really hurt and he said that he would have to have a look at it. I hated him looking at my mouth so I told him that I was fine and it didn't really bother me that much; which was a complete lie. He didn't believe me when I said that and he told me we were going to the clinic and Tobey was going to meet us there.

Grant and I got into the car and started to drive to the clinic. I was in so much pain and now I was so scared and anxious about going to the clinic, I was crying even more.

"E, calm down, you're going to be fine. I'm just going to have a look and if anything needs doing tonight then I will tell you before I do it, okay?"

No matter what Grant told me, I was still so scared. I already hated the dentist but now I know something is wrong and that it will have to have work done to it. I hate having treatment done at the dentist, it scares me so much.

I didn't respond to Grant.

"Ellie, listen to me. You are going to be fine. I know you're in a lot of pain right now, but you have to understand that I am not going to do anything that I don't need to do or that will hurt you. I really do just want to help you. I don't like seeing you in pain."

My mouth hurt way too much to answer so I just nodded my head.


Tobey's POV:

I just got to the clinic, so I unlocked the door and turned on all of the lights. I went into the equipment room and got a tray of the basic instruments - just the same as the ones that Grant took home with him. I hear a car come around the corner and park I know that it's Ellie and Grant because no one else would be turning up to the office at 9pm. I go to the front door of the office waiting to greet them.

Grant's POV:

We arrive at the clinic and I get out of the car and go to stand in front of it and wait for Ellie to get out so we can go in but Ellie makes no effort to get out of the car. I feel really bad for her because she has never come to the clinic in the amount of pain that she is in right now. She already hates this place and now she knows she will have to have some work done on her teeth. She's had some treatment before but that was only a filling, but now she knows she will probably need something bigger.

I go round to her side of the car and open her door to get her to get out of the car.

"C'mon, E. You want this pain to go away, right?"

She just nods. I think it hurts her too much to speak.

"Baby, you need to get out of the car, so I can have a look at that mouth of yours. I don't want you to be in pain for longer than you have to be."

She still doesn't move.

Ellie's POV:

I don't want to get out of the car because I don't want Grant to look at my mouth and get annoyed at me because there's something wrong. I can't respond to what he is saying because my mouth hurts a lot and I want to get out of pain but if that means going in there then I will just stay in pain.

"E, please can you get out of the car? We can just sit in the waiting room for a bit until you feel comfortable enough to go into my exam room?"

I don't reply. Grant hands me his phone, which he never does, and it's open on the notes app. He tells me to type what I want to say on that.

I type: I don't want to go in there bc I hate it and I don't want you looking at my mouth and then getting annoyed or angry at me because something bad has happened. I would much rather stay in pain. I pass his phone back to him.

"E, you can't stay in the car and not let me check your mouth. If you don't have it checked, which you will, you could lose whatever teeth are causing the pain completely."

He passes his phone back to me. 

Idc, I'm going in there.

Grant just looks over at his phone whilst I'm typing.

"E, you have to come in with me," he says sternly.

Tobey's POV:

Ellie and Grant have been here for a while but I haven't actually seen them. I can hear Grant talking to Ellie in the car and I think, from what I can hear, Ellie is refusing to get out of the car. I can understand why Ellie doesn't want to get out of the car, but she does have to come into the office to have her mouth checked out. I decided that Grant could possibly use some help with getting Ellie out of the car, so I went over to them.

"Hey, Grant and Ellie."

"Hi, Tobey. Can you help me get Ellie into the office?"

I turn to look at Ellie and she looks absolutely petrified.

"Yeah, sure." "Ellie, I'm sure Grant has already told you, but you do need to come into the clinic to get your mouth looked at. It looks like it has been bleeding a bit, so we have to have a look at it soon before any infection starts."

Ellie just looks at me and then down at Grant's phone.

Then she passes me Grant's phone; I'm not going in there. It hurts too much and I don't want Grant hurting me.

"Ellie, why do you think Grant is going to hurt you? Has he ever deliberately hurt you before?"

She just shakes her head.

"Why don't I carry you into the waiting room and we can talk about it in there."

I don't really give Ellie much of an option. It's clear to me that she won't choose to come in herself, so I'm just going to bring her in myself.

Grant's POV:

I'm surprised that Ellie didn't start to kick up a fuss when Tobey went to pick her up. She just let him do it. Maybe it's because she can't speak without her mouth hurting.

 When Tobey gets Ellie out of the car, I close the car door and lock it and follow the two of them into the waiting room. 

A/N - 

Hi! I hope you are enjoying this! I appreciate any comments or suggestions you have!

jess :)

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