52| Divide and conquer

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The second the words leave my mouth, I'm in trouble. Admitting to love is like putting a greenlight on your back. If life has taught me anything, it's that the second you say it, the second it all goes to shit.

Alyssa looks up at me, wide-eyed, and her lips part in surprise. For a moment, there's a tense silence between us, and I wonder if I've said the wrong thing. But then she smiles, a radiant, beautiful smile, and leans in to kiss me.

"I love you," she says.

I wrap my arms around her, enjoying her body pressed against mine. She kisses me softly, teasing what's to come before swiftly pulling back. I groan and pull her in again – she's not getting away that easy - and snake my hands around her waist. Everything about her is delicate and warm, the complete opposite of me, but somehow, we balance each other out.

Her hands are like silk as they glide across my back. Fuck. I'm supposed to be getting myself back under control, focused on my upcoming fight, no distractions, but Alyssa makes it impossible.

The second she looks at me, pink lips pulled into a beautiful smile, I'm lost. Nothing else matters. I couldn't care less if the world goes to shit as long as she's beside me. It's selfish as hell, obviously. What life could I give her except one filled with stress? But right now, I couldn't care less.

My heart races as she kisses my chest. She looks so beautiful in the moonlight, her eyes sparkling and lips curved into a soft smile. I can't resist the urge to reach out, running my thumb across her cheek, and as I do it, she looks up at me with those piercing eyes of hers.

"Did I mention I love you?" she whispers.

I grin and wrap my hands in her hair. "I don't think so. Maybe you should say it again."

She smiles and kisses the waistband of my trousers. "I love you."

"I l–" I start, but she's already dipped beneath the folds of the covers, disappearing from view. My throat tightens, and the outside world fades away as she touches me, exploring every inch of my skin. Eyes closed, I lose myself to the fire of her mouth, ready to burn.


I sit up in the darkened room, the only light coming from the moon outside. My eyes are fixed on the figure beside me, her skin glowing in the soft light. She's beautiful, with delicate features and long, golden hair cascading over her shoulder. I can't help but reach out and run my fingers through it, the soft strands slipping through my fingers like silk.

She stirs slightly, her eyelashes fluttering against her skin. I can't help but lean in and brush my lips against her cheek, and that's when it hits me, like an arrow through the chest – I have well and truly fallen.


With a rough kiss on her forehead, I climb out of bed and slip into the gym, needing to get some training in. After a few basic stretches, I move over to the weights first and pick up a barbell before gripping it tightly, my hands shaking as I lift it off the ground. As I train, my thoughts keep drifting back to her, from how it feels to touch her to the slight uptick in my heart rate whenever she smiles. If I had any sense, I'd still be holding her in my arms right now, but if I want to be better, I've got training to do.

Sweat coats my neck as I complete my reps, the burn in my muscles driving me to push myself harder. Right now, I'm lost in the moment, my worries fading as I focus on the exertion. I move to the treadmill next, feet pounding against the conveyor belt as I increase the speed. My breathing becomes labored, but I don't stop pushing. As the great Bryan O'Connor used to say, Pain is an illusion, don't let it fool you. But right now, as muscles contort from the abuse of fatigue, it feels real as hell.

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