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many sounds filled amélie's ears. people talking, the sounds of games and whooshes of rides. the smell of popcorn, cotton candy and slick sweat filled her nose. the days leading up to this one day were so fun, everyone couldn't stop talking about how they'd actually be able to see boys and what not. it felt so surreal to be hanging out with her friends from welton at an actual school event and not in some dark cave. she was sure she had overdressed, everyone she saw from her grade was in either a tank top or t shirt and shorts. she wore a sundress that went to her shins. it was the last day of the year that was actually supposed to have warm weather, so it was perfect the fair fell on this day. they usually did a winter dance later in the year too, for a different cause she couldn't be bothered to remember. she didn't really pay attention to the events committee meetings, because every girl in her class was forced to join because of some stupid reason.

she stood quietly, avoiding the bustle. a lot of people were there. lots of kids, parents. both the girls and boys from other private schools had been invited, as well as family members. she was looking for marianne through the crowd, who was looking for charlie. she finally spotted her, chatting with charlie and his friends at a picnic table.

"marianne!" amélie waved, running towards her and pulling her into a tight hug. they hadn't seen each other since the morning, because marianne spent the 3 last periods setting up for the fair with ms. germaine and some of the other girls.

"amélie! i wasn't sure wether you had came or not." marianne gushed.

"of course i did! i wouldn't miss this for anything!" amé smiled. she almost forgot that all of the welton boys were looking at her, including neil.

"hi guys." she waved to them.

"nice dress." knox remarked.

"thank you, it was my moms."

"are you guys ready to go on all the rides?" marianne interrupted. she was sure excited.

"of course i am!" charlie boasted.

"yeah, same!" cameron said, copying charlie.

"oh cameron, remember last year when you started screaming when the ferris wheel stopped at the top?" knox laughed, making all the others laugh at cameron's expense.

"that was horrible." meeks agreed, nodding as he laughed.

"i don't remember that." cameron shrugged. amélie couldn't help but notice that todd was looking left out.

"todd, have you ever been to one of these things?" she asked, catching him off guard.

"oh, no." he shook his head.

"me neither. i've always gone to aurela, but just never had anyone to go with."

"you're kidding. we'll just have to show you the best rides." marianne said. amé couldn't help but notice that charlie had his hand around her waist.

"of course." neil smiled at her. she couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach as she saw him. it was the first time they'd seen eachother since they kissed, and damn did it feel great.

the group was getting ready to leave, and go walk around and get on some rides. neil gently grabbed amélie's hand, and interlocked their fingers. she was trying so hard not to blush. she held onto his hand tight, but not tight enough that it could hurt him.

they walked around the fair, joking around. cameron had dared all of them to go on what looked like the scariest ride there. amélie was honestly terrified of it. it was called the lightning rider. it was like a ferris wheel, but you were locked in a cage with another person, and it would just spin the cages. you weren't even strapped in, you just had to hold on to a metal bar to stay secure. it didn't seem safe at all.

WRITER IN THE DARK , neil perryWhere stories live. Discover now