chapter 3 : Event at the Mansion (Part 1)

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Hey there! I'm really sorry for disappearing from you guys like that. Life got pretty crazy, and I had to deal with a bunch of stuff. But hey, I'm back now and ready to dive back into this fanfic with all my energy! As a passionate writer, I've been juggling a million things while trying to craft this story. But fear not, I'm fully committed to giving you a good long entertaining story until it finds its satisfying conclusion,So, I just wanted to ask for a bit of patience and understanding as I continue to work on it.

Thanks a bunch for sticking around, and let's get this fanfic rolling again!

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Re:demption starting life on another world a second time

Chapter 3 Part 1

Under the moon's gentle glow, a carriage pressed forward, enveloped in the veil of darkness. Within its confines sat a young boy, his raven-black hair cascading over his shoulders and an enigmatic aura surrounding him. Piercing hazel eyes mirrored the celestial light as he fixed his gaze upon the sprawling night sky, his mind entangled with the daunting obstacles awaiting him.

''[Subaru:Wow, what a freakin' day! Can you believe it? I'm back in this crazy world; who would've thought I'd get the opportunity to revisit this world again? It's been a rollercoaster ride that just won't quit. But hey, I managed to sort out my problem without breaking a sweat; I got that psycho Elsa to start working for me, Emilia retrieved her lost insignia back, and Felt got a nice little promotion as the fifth candidate-all the little string has been pulled as a pawn in my master plan. And guess what? I even made friends with Reinhard, of all people. What a turn of events!]"

As the situation overwhelmingly favors him, he remains cautious, knowing that his challenges are far from over. With each step he takes further into this world, his awareness of the impending complications grows.From witch-cult, witches, ninjas, the divine dragon, monsters, and countless other threats keep piling up in his mind, intensifying his thoughts.

Subaru exhales deeply, his gaze fixed on the troubling situation ahead, contemplating the problems he must confront again.

"[Subaru: "Well, well, well, looks like I'm in for yet another joyride. Things never come easy, and it's always a challenge for yours truly, Natsuki Subaru. This wacky world loves throwing curveballs at me, and I have to say it's a pretty dirty play.But I'm know prepared with all the circumstance and world-bending power they possess. This path may be my shot at redemption, but it's also a chance to remind everyone who's the real boss around here.In other cases I wish I could've used this kind of power when I first encountered this world. That would've made things a whole lot easier. But hey, I don't mind being a bit of an immature, overpowered protagonist. It's all part of the cosmic comedy, right? Besides, this world has shown me time and again just how tough it can get. And you know what I've learned, folks? If you wanna be god-tier, you gotta earn it the hard way. So, bring on the challenges-I've died a million times, and I'm still standing!"] Subaru exclaimed confidently, embracing the trials that awaited him in this unforgiving world.

Meanwhile, the boy, lost in thought, relished the moment, savouring the view and the gentle breeze that brushed against his face through the carriage window. After a long day, it provided a soothing respite for his mind and body. However, his tranquillity was interrupted as something in the distance caught his attention-a towering tree perched atop a hill."


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