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No one's POV:
At S.M.S.I.H:

Person1:"Alright then, let's start with the tip-line reports."

Person2:" Yes sir. Until now, there have been 3 029 responses about the murders from telephone calls, etc. Most of them are from curious members of the public. But there are fourteen people who say that they either 'know the killer' or 'have seen the killer.' Each account was followed up and recorded carefully. But no one had information that hasn't already been released to the public. There are also twenty-one people who claim they are Kira. We didn't want to rule out any possibilities, so all twenty-one people were put on record and filed."

Mr Yagami:" Okay. Next up: victims."

Person:"Yes sir. Upon further investigation, we have confirmed that information of the heart attack victims was, in fact, publicly available in Japan prior to their deaths. Also, concerning L's request that we investigate the times of death for each victim... We found they occurred between 4 p.m. and
2 a.m on weekdays Japan's time. Sixty-eight percent of them occurred between 8 p.m. and 12 midnight. Furthermore, we have a great variation of times on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

L:" That is extremely interesting. Judging from those times of death, the culprit may be a student. I have other grounds of belief. Drawing from the fact that the perpetrator is only killing criminals, he's probably driven by his own idealistic sense of justice. He may even be trying to become a god. You could say that he has a very childish mentality. This is just a mere possibility. But please get rid of the assumption that the culprit couldn't be a student. Consider various possibilities is the shortest route to arresting Kira. Please continue your investigative report."

Mr Yagami:"Y-Yes... Has anyone else noticed anything?"

Matsuda:"Umm, yes..."

Mr Yagami:"What is it, Matsuda?"

Matsuda:"Um... I'm in no way saying this to give credit to Kira's actions... But for the past few days, worldwide...and especially in Japan, the number of violent crimes more serious than robbery has dropped drastically."

Mr Yagami:"Well, I suppose that's to be expected. Anything else?...That about sums up our investigative report for today, L.

L:"Thank you, everyone. I feel as if we're closing in on the culprit. Still, I'd like to make another request. I want the team investigating the victims, the news, and the internet to examine once more how the victims' identities were made public in Japan. I want to know if pictures of the victims' faces were shown. I leave it to you."

To the outside:

Matsuda:"Sir. You seem exhausted."

Mr Yagami:"Thanks. I've been pulling all-nighters lately."

Matsuda:"What I said about crimes dropping drastically... Now that I think about it, everyone knows already. I'm sorry."

Mr Yagami:"What are you talking about? Keep speaking the truth. Especially when it's about things people hesitate to bring up. However, if you had gone on to say that we should commend Kira for admirably reducing crime rates, now that might have been a problem."

Matsuda:"I-impossible! Support that killer?"

Mr Yagami:"Hahahaha. I'm just kidding."

Let's have a peak at what Y/n is doing:
Y/n's POV:

Y/n:"Geeezzz, why are there letters in math?!"

I am currently trying to do my math homework but I ended up whining and have my head lay sideways on my book.

Y/n:"You know what, I'll do it later and instead play (f/game) or see what has been happening... Eh, I'll just do both.( '◡‿ゝ◡')

The next day:

I'm walking to school after my miniature breakdown because I forgot to do my homework, after that I did end up doing my homework and I just went on with my day. I also decided to wake up early because I had homework to do and surprisingly, it wasn't that much, which ended up me going to school earlier than usual. After a bit of walking, with music in my ears, I think I see Light Yagami walking to school.

Y/n:'He must live close by. I never noticed that detail. Neither did Oderaa mention it.(*  ̄︿ ̄)'

Time skip to two weeks later at home bc I don't know what to put here:

Y/n:"Wow! There were another twenty-three heart attack victims today? Heh I'm really impressed to be honest."

I am once again in the police's files and to be honest, this is actually becoming more entertaining by the day.

Y/n:'One victim every hour... This has been going on for two weekdays straight. Guess 'Kira' figured out that the police is on his trail. Hey... Aren't the police having a meeting right about now? Yeah, and I guess this L person would be there too. I guess I can listen a little bit of the conversation.'

I got up to get some food first because I just can't watch such lovely drama without something to eat. I got back with chips, got comfortable and hacked into a computer or laptop or some form of electronic that I can at least hear what the conversation.

Y/n:'Come on...' "Huh..."

I came across a high secured laptop that is literally screaming *Come and take this extremely difficult challenge that may lead you to being in prison and possibly killed*... I have to start learning to stop taking 'challanges' so that I don't end up in prison or dead... Welp! To late! That time isn't now! I am in and not only can I hear what is going on, I can see what is going on.

Y/n:'Damn, I'm so frikin' awesome! (✯ᴗ✯) So, what are they talking about?

Someone1:"The fact that this has been happening for two weekdays straight..."

Someone2:"...means our sketch of the culprit has become doubtful."

Someone3:"No, anyone could skip school for two days."

L‽:"That's not it!"

Y/n:'... Is that L's real voice?!.... Damn.( = ̄ω ̄=)'

L‽:"It appear less likely now that the culprit's a student. But that's not the message Kira's trying to send! Why every hour? And why are all the victims in prison, where they can easily be found? Kira is trying to say that he can freely control the time of death.'

Y/n:'Okay, so, let me get my facts in line. I've just hacked into a literal genius' laptop that also works with the police and is in the middle of a meeting about one of the most dangerous case in possibly history, he seems like he isn't noticing that I've hacked his laptop. That or he knows I've hacked it and I possibly just playing along to not rise suspicion or panic... In conclusion, I've just did the impossible... Hell yeah! That's awesome! But I don't know if he can hear me... Eh, whatever.'

L:"But something's not right. As soon as we began to suspect that Kira was a student, the timing of the killings changed as if to contradict our theory. Is it a coincidence? No, the timing is to convenient. Does that mean that Kira knows what the police know? This is obviously a direct challenge from him!"

Y/n:'Ummm... Where is this going? Please don't tell me he knows I'm watching... Oh, wait. Kira's father is in that meeting... Understandable... Wait, my dad is in this meeting too... F u c k.'

L:"Kira has found a way to obtain information from task force headquarters. I cannot ignore this fact."

I decided that is enough for the day and turned my computer off and threw the empty bag of chips in my bin. I went to my bed and lay on my back and start to drift off to sleep with one thought in my mind:

Y/n:'That was interesting. To bad, I'm now fucked.(~ ̄▽ ̄)~'


Hi! I hope you have a wonderful day/night.
Stay safe

1327 words

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