Natural charmer

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In Taehyung's memory, Jungkook's mother was a beautiful and warm woman who sometimes gave him sweets. Thus, when he heard that Jungkook's parents were coming, he was slightly excited and not nervous at all.

This was something that Nayeon particularly admired about Taehyung—her king never loses his cool no matter what.

"My king, aren't you worried that Jungkook's parents would not like you?"

Taehyung was startled by the question. "Why won't they like me?"


Nayeon finally discovered how uniquely different Taehyung's worldview was from the rest of the world. Any normal person would be worried that they would not be liked. On the contrary, Taehyung felt that everyone with good taste would like him. That confidence...

"My king, how do I become as confident as you?" Nayeon sought her advice solemnly.

"Practice bragging more often," Taehyung instructed in an equally serious manner.


Minkyu and Inah's train was to reach at 11 am. Taehyung and Jungkook went to the station to fetch them and waited at the exit. After the train arrived, Taehyung spotted Inah in the surge of people exiting.

He waved at her with a bright smile. "Auntie, here!"

"Oh my!" Inah was pleasantly surprised. Taehyung managed to spot her before her son.

The couple walked over and Taehyung greeted them with confidence.

Inah knew what Taehyung looked like as she had seen Taehyung's photos on the internet. However, she was still slightly astonished when she saw Taehyung in person. She sighed, "In my mind, you were still a child. You're so grown now. Quick, let auntie take a look at you. Tsk, how beautiful, Kim's do blossom when they grow."

Taehyung giggled as he spun a couple of rounds in place for Inah to examine him. Then, he remarked, "Auntie, you haven't changed a single bit."

Inah touched her cheek and broke into a smile. "Goodness, child. Auntie is much older now."

"You're the same as how I remembered you. If not, how could I have recognized you at first sight?"

"Right, you're so much better than Jungkook." Inah glanced at her son as she spoke. "Why are you wearing a mask?"

Taehyung explained, "He's now famous enough to be recognized in public."


The bunch of them chattered on as they headed out for lunch. After that one meal, Taehyung was like family with Minkyu and Inah. Even the normally quiet Minkyu spoke a lot more than usual.

Taehyung had a special talent.

He did not have the best reputation among his peers. However, when it came to those of the older generation, his reputation was perfect. This was the case for both his family elders and those whom he met outside. For instance, even the numerous elderly dancing or practicing the Taiji sword in the public square enjoyed talking to him.

After all, this was a beautiful and vibrant young boy brimming with natural grace and confidence. He was bright and his mouth was sweet. His character was genuine and unpretentious, and there was a candid charm to his words. In short, everyone 40 and above whom he knew was a great fan of him.

At present moment, Minkyu and Inah had also fallen under his charm.

As for Taehyung, he also felt that he clicked well with Jungkook's parents.

The three of them conversed happily while Jungkook was forgotten at the side. When he heard his mother's occasional laughter, he held his forehead, overwhelmed with his boyfriend's almost devilish appeal.

After lunch, they went to Maebong Mountain Park. As Taehyung and Jungkook were usually quite busy, they did not have time to take leisure trips. Thus, this was also their first visit to Maebong Mountain Park.

It was a season when flowers bloomed across the mountain. Maebong Mountain was simply stunning with countless flowering trees dotted across its mountain greenery. The lush flowers blossomed fervently like a scene from a landscape painting.

Inah wore heels and Taehyung was worried that she would be exhausted. Thus, they did not climb the mountain and only strolled in the park briefly before heading to the lake for boat rowing.

The boat was the kind that can be peddled. The four of them got onto one boat with Minkyu and Jungkook operating it while Inah and Taehyung cheered them on from the back.

They luxuriated in the warm breeze and delightful scenery. When the sunlight hit the shining water, it scattered into iridescent sparkles across the lake. Inah was at ease and relaxed as she took in the sight of the lake, the passers-by in the distance, and the mountain and sky in the background.

Taehyung was quite excited when he saw a fish leaping out of the water. "Oh, what a huge fish."

"That should be a carp," Minkyu said.

"Wow, uncle, you're able to tell its breed with one glance? From such a far distance?"

Minkyu smiled and replied, "Mm, I like to keep fishes." He went on to explain the characteristics of the lake water and the fishes in it before sharing about the precious babies he kept at home.

Inah interrupted him. "Stop with the fishes, it's so boring. Taehyung, shall we sing a song?"

"Okay!" Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook stopped them. "Don't."

Inah was puzzled. "Why?"

Taehyung was a little embarrassed. "Auntie, I tend to go a little off-tune when I sing."

A. Little.

Jungkook's brows ticked. He thought that's way too humble of you.

Inah did not think that it was a big deal. She waved it off. "We sing to make ourselves happy. It's not like we're going for a competition so it's perfectly fine. Mm, what shall we sing? Shall we sing 'Let us raise the oars'?"


The two of them started to clap to the beat and opened their mouths to sing.

"Let uus raaise the oaars—"

"Let us raise the oars..."

"The little boat cuts through the waves—"

"The little boat cuts through the waves..."

"Reflected on the seaa, the beaauutiful white paagodaa—"

"Reflected on the sea, no..."

"Surrounding it all, green trees and red walls—"


Taehyung was still lost in the tune when Inah stopped. She gazed at Taehyung with stunned bewilderment.

Jungkook turned to toss a glance at his mother. He shrugged lightly, a 'you completely deserve it'll look on his face.

Inah glared at him. When Taehyung finished a verse, Inah quickly handed him a bottle of water. "Here, have some water to moisten your throat."

"Thanks, auntie!"

"You're welcome... Hubby, hubby!"

Minkyu turned his head. "Ah?"

"Tell us about those fishes you keep."


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