Comfort <3

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Toby POV
Oh my god Y/N looks amazing her hair and dress looks amazing."Alright you elf looking asshole don't say shit like that you ugly dumbass I'm way out of your league dumbo fuck off suck my cock." I was snapped out my thoughts to hear Y/N yell at BEN for I don't know what "Well I didn't even like you god! Your parents probably left you because your so goddamn ugly!" BEN yelled back. Everyone went silent and Y/N started crying and ran to my room I guess because they really only know me and Jane well "Are you serious BEN? You made them cry you sick bastard!" I yelled at BEN and went to my room to comfort Y/N

BEN is right I am ugly no-one likes me... I heard the door open "Hey N/N are you ok?" I heard someone say behind me as I felt two arms wrap around me and pick me up. I realized it was Toby and hugged him "A-Am I ugly Toby?" I asked him "Of course not you are one of the prettiest people I have met BEN can cross the line sometimes but you are beautiful don't listen to him" Toby rubbed your back "Would you like to change you don't have to obviously but you might be a bit more comfortable" Toby asked me "Y-yeah could I take my makeup off and put my hair back to normal?" I mumbled while my head was laying in his head [A/N the picture at the top is what y'all look like 😭] "Of course" Toby picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist so I didn't have to get up.

Toby grabbed one of his hoodies, a t-shirt, and some sweat pants for me. He put me on the bed and handed me the clothes and turned around "You can change I'll help with getting your makeup off and hair down I'll call Jane as well." Speaking of Jane she was yelling at BEN downstairs. I had changed and told Toby I was done so he held me again and I wrapped my legs around his waist again. He walked downstairs and said "Hey Jane can you come to my room?" he sorta yelled at Jane because she probably couldn't hear him if he was talking normally "Yeah sure." Jane slapped BEN and walked up the stairs with Toby

Toby sat on the bed after walking in and Jane closed the door "Hey Y/N are you ok?" Jane asked with a concerned face "N-no..." I answered with a soft voice Toby let go of me and I turned around "Could you help with getting their hair down and makeup off?" Toby responded quietly trying to not scare me "Of course let me just get my makeup remover and brush/comb" Jane responded and opened the door and walked out

Time skip brought to you Jane being a big sister

Jane walked back in and had a little bag in hand "Here, Y/N come sit on the floor so I can do it better" Jane gently asked I stood up and sat in front of Jane and Toby sat behind me and grabbed Janes brush/comb and started brushing my hair I almost fell asleep because it was extremely comforting and I enjoyed knowing someone cared for me. Once Toby finished brushing/combing my hair he started playing with my hair.

Jane finished a little after Toby did once she finished she got up and said "I'm gonna go beat BEN the fuck up he doesn't say that to my 'sibling'" I lightly smiled and hugged Toby again and he picked me up as he got up I hugged him tightly and he got up walked downstairs to see everyone "Hello everyone" Toby said making himself present. A of people said hello back to Toby except for BEN because BEN was still pissed at me and I'm guessing Toby pissed at BEN as well

"Hey person in Tobys arms are you ok?" A soft voice said who I guessed was talking to me "Toby c-could you tell them not really?" I whispered in Toby's ear not wanting to talk to anyone "Sally they aren't doing the best right now" Toby told the person who I now know them as Sally "Could I play with them that might make them better!" Sally exclaimed "Can you tell her I don't really want to?" I again whispered in Tobys ear "They don't really want to I'm sorry Sally!" Toby responded to Sally "It's ok!" Sally said in a polite voice.

Toby went to go sit on the couch and I hugged him tighter in the quick movement because I didn't know what was happening "Oh Toby seems like you got a partner?" Jeff mocked "THEY ARE NOT MY PARTNER" Toby yelled while blush spread across his face as well as mine "Jeff stop teasing them I mean look at you if they were dating you would still be single as fuck." Jane taunted Jeff "SHUT UP ANNOYING BASTARD" Jeff yelled at Jane "Alright stop you two" a raspy voice called out to Jeff and Jane. I picked my head up to see a tall man with a blue mask with black goo dripping out of it "Sorry EJ!" Jeff called out to the person who I now know as EJ? Weird name. I placed my head back into Toby's neck "N/N are you ok?" Toby whispered in my ear "Y-yeah I guess" Toby sighed in relief that I was doing ok.

A/N This took forever because of school 💀 (982 words)

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