Story One: Lost & Found

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It was a cold afternoon in Vale. The Arc family was enjoying they lovely day together while the young Jaune Arc was playing oddly close to the end of the yard which leads to the woods.

Martha: Honey don't got to far!

Jaune: Ok mom!

He then walks towards the edge of the yard and picked up flowers as he does always. Soon he sees a bright light in the middle of the forest and as a curious kid he walk towards it. As he goes deeper in the forest he approached the unknown portal that shine brightly in a clearing. Soon Jaune heard a growl behind him and saw a beowolf slowly approaching him. He was so scared he dropped his toy and backed away slowly. Without him knowing he tripped on a rock and got sucked into the portal making it close shut and disappear. Beowolf now seeing this was confused but ignore it and wondered off.

Conton city

Goku's POV

Goku: Man who would have thought Y/n would get this strong already! I can't wait for our next fight!

Vegeta: Hmph can't believe I'm saying but I have to agree with you Kakarot. Y/n did become strong but is he strong enough against your Ultra Instinct and my Ultra Ego?

Goku: I don't know Vegeta maybe we could test him out?

Me and Vegeta sometimes talk about Y/n. I mean he took my on in Ultra Instinct alone but that was thanks to Fu. As we walked around Conton City we notice a little blonde boy laying on the ground unconscious. He was blonde and were a cute little hoodie with a bunny rabbit.

Goku: Hey Vegeta you think he's ok?

Vegeta: Why should I care Kakarot! Kids around here could handle them selves.

Goku: True but his energy is weaker than the rest but I can sense enormous about of energy within him.

My buddy Vegeta took a step closer and realized he sensed it too. We decided to take the boy around town to see if he belongs to anyone but we ended up with nothing. No one knew the kid so I decided maybe Supreme Kai of Time knows this kid.

Goku: Yo Supreme Kai!

(Supreme Kai of Time =SKT)

SKT: Ah Goku, Vegeta what brings you here?

Goku: We'll we found this kid in the woods and we asked everyone in Conton Ctiy if he belongs to anyone but no one seems to know who he in.

Vegeta: What we do know that he's human and from the looks of it is not from around here.

SKT: I see well leave him here and I'll ask him of who he is.


3 hour later

Jaune finally woke up but was in an unfamiliar place. He looked around and sees he's in an open friend and in the middle of it was a temple like structure with a big tree. He got out of bed and walked around the field. The he hears an known voice right behind him.

SKT: Ah you finally awake.

Jaune then turned around and sees a kid he assumes his age but with pink skin and weird looking clothes.

SKT: Hi I'm Supreme Kai of Time it's a pleasure to meet ya. So do you have a name?

Jaune: J-jaune... Jaune Arc.

SKT: Well it's nice to meet you Jaune. May I ask what were you doing all alone in the forest of Conton City and where are your parents?

Jaune: I... I don't know. I saw a light and I ended up here.

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