Episode 1: The client

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I picked up writing as a hobby, I derive so much ecstasy whenever I pen down my imaginations. But as time went on, I realized it was a skill, a skill people pay for most especially if you have a crazy/ wide imagination which I do.

So, here and there, I picked a few gigs and got paid for them. I got a few recommendations and that has led me to take writing as a job. I started reading on various topics, watching/ listening to people talk, observing little and important details about places, writing down ideas immediately they come to my head.

Some months ago, I got a job via recommendation and this was the biggest I have ever done. They wanted me to help complete a book about their father for his 60th birthday and his retirement ceremony. "Wow" I said over the phone when I received the call. It was a big one. So, a date was scheduled to seal the deal.

It was my first big job, so I spurred to work immediately. I googled, "what are the things I need to know about writing a biography?" I messaged a few people I saw were good in writing as well. I searched on a few biographies I once read about.

The set date came, and I tried as much as I could to dress corporate. It was important that, I appear to suit the quality of my work.

The address forwarded to me was that of a not so popular eatery. It was a 45-minute drive from where I live.

When I got to the restaurant, the security asked if I made a reservation. "Reservation? Do they make reservations at eateries too?" I asked myself. A minute please, I said as I dialed the number of the lady I was meant to meet. "Please, sir, give the phone to him" the voice said.

"My apologies" he said while taking a bow "She's at your 9'o'clock, sir." He added as he let me in. On entering the place, I opened my mouth.
The restaurant had an unemotional atmosphere, the way the tables were shared, fluoride tones played in the woods, hanging gardens and the fairy lights, I was reminded of Ojalá Restaurant in Madrid, there were interactive screens on the walls as well displaying the various cuisines the restaurant has just like it is in Sublimotion Restaurant, Ibiza. It was like I was in a different world. I guessed the only set of people that patronized here were people who had ties with the owner of the place and surely it'll be so expensive for a random person to just stroll in. No wonder, I was asked if I made a reservation.

I got a grip of myself as I walked to where my host was, she stood up to welcome me. At this point, my heart stopped. Did I talk about the ambience of the eatery? Then you need to see this lady; I was stupefied by her dazzling presence, she was 5ft tall, sturdy and caramel skinned, she had on the brightest smile, I'd ever seen a lady wear. As I got close to her, she extended her hands. "Hi, Mr Juwon" I received them, the palms were as soft as that of a baby. "Good evening, Miss Sandra" I smiled back as we both had our seats.

"I hope it wasn't difficult locating this place" she asked, but brethren, I was lost in thoughts. She was so beautiful, she had the monolid eyes, her eyelid were flat and smooth just like the koreans, talk about her lips, they were heart shaped as she talked.
"What will you like?" The waiter asked intercepting my thoughts. I was not so familiar with the menu. "We will have the 2014 Wayfarer Pinot noir." Sarah responded, giving the cutest smile I've ever seen.

It was at this point I asked myself, "Is this a romance date or a business date?" Because I was already falling in love. 🥺🥺??

To be continued...

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