Chapter 6

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Jessica's POV

Here I am sitting in between Cato and Clove just about to take off to go to the arena. I saw that they were starting to put trackers already once they put on mine it was a little sting but nothing I couldn't take. We were waiting for us to take off and we just started to talk to each other.

"Be safe and remember our promise" Cato kept reminding me and I simply nodded.

"Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor" Clove said while trying to do a capitol accent which made all three of us laugh. Then we took off

It happened so fast but the next thing I knew I was with Katia who was fussing over my outfit telling me it shouldn't be too loose so I could still run or to tight that I couldn't move. I really don't get why people would fuss over us either way I would die or go crazy, that's your only choice right?

Katia still was arranging my outfit I was wearing khaki cargo pants, an olive green tank top which had a thin blouse over it, it was also green but it was darker compared to the tank top and I had a thick jacket which were outlined by my district color russet brown. My hair was in a braid that freely was on top of my right side Agatha showed me yesterday how to do a braid suggesting that it was the best hairstyle for the arena. Then Katia put something on top of me when I looked it was my token, she quickly motioned me to keep it a secret.

"Katia do me a favor?" I asked

"Sure anything" She said getting all teary eyed

"There's a necklace on top of my bed back at our place keep it safe and if I die p-" I started to say but Katia cut me off by saying "I'll keep it safe for you 'till you come back I know"

"But-" I started to argue "Till you come back okay?" She said. I know what she was tring to do, she was trying to tell me to come out alive. Katia was becoming a big sister for me.

I stepped in the tubes and before I knew it I was slowly rising up above the arena. I then realised that Katia really wants me alive because we never said goodbye.

"Happy 74th Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favore" a voice said which I'm assuming is Seneca Crane








I started to look around the arena and it was filled with lush green plants and trees. I was starting to think they made this arena for me. I looked in the middle and saw the Cornucupia filled with all the things that we need and want. I looked around and saw I was at the far side to the left, by my left it was Peeta and by my right I think it was the girl from 5. I saw that Clove was almost across me and I met her eyes and saw they were filled with anxiousness but was able to cover it and looked ruthless, I gave her a quick nod and she returned it and started to position herself to run. Cato was by the middle and he looked like he was ready to kill he was eyeing me and I could feel that he was trying to remind me about our promise Oak was next to him so I'm assuming he's safe with Cato's protection.










I looked at the Cornucopia to try and see which things I could take but I could still run away easily. I spot a black backpack a few feet away from me and directly in front of it was a pack of knives, I guess those were meant for me. I steady myself and start to ready myself to run.










I close my eyes and took a deep breath then I opened my eyes again with a look that was ready to kill I am after all a girl from District 2.








At first nobody moves but when a sound emitting from a gong was heard almost everyone was running. I jumped off of my pedestal and ran for the bag dodging tributes, jumping over dead bodies. Once I grabbed the bag and pack of knives I ran, halfway across the arena I saw another bag, smaller than the backpack I have, I grabbed it too because you just have to grab what you can. I entered the forest and I was about three trees away from the bloodbath but I looked back and saw Cato killing almost every tribute he could see. I climbed up a tree stopping at a branch where no one could see me, I just stayed behind to look if Cato would keep Oak safe. Once the bloodbath was over I could see the careers and Oak. Cato just stood there but once he saw Oak, he put his arm over him and messed with his hair, like Oak was a little kid. That was enough for me, I climbed down the tree and ran as far away as I can.

Once I ran for about 15 minutes I stopped and climbed another tree I guess it would be the perfect time to look at my bags. The first backpack I picked up contained a thick sleeping bag, a rope, a water container (empty), and a first aid kit. The second bag has three packs of dried fruit and a water container with water. I arranged my bag and now the smaller backpack was inside the black. I grabbed the rope before I closed up the bag and tied my bag to the tree branch, I guess this would be where I would stay for the night.

I woke up with the sound of the anthem being played and saw which tributes are dead, 13 people were listed there. After that I fell asleep again I hope tomorrow would be a better day.

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