49 - ARC 5.9

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Third P.O.V

For the time being, (Y/N) played the 'good little sibling' around Aria while they secretly planned their escape.

Aria had never done anything with concrete evidence, so turning her into the authorities was out of the question.

(A/N: Authorities. Do you get the joke? Did I spell it right?)

So (Y/N) decided running away would still be the best course of action.

However, (Y/N) couldn't travel alone because of their age.

So then they had to find someone trustworthy since their parents weren't back yet.

Which is how (Y/N) and Connor planned to run away together in the middle of the night.

Unfortunately, (Y/N) found themselves pinned to the bed before they could meet Connor.

(Y/N) opened their eyes and saw Aria.

First Gene, now Aria.

It was no use struggling because (Y/N)'s body was very sickly compared to Aria, even though they tried to become stronger.

"Get off me."

(Y/N) demanded.

"Not until you tell me why you're running away."

(Y/N) glared at Aria.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Aria had a frustrated expression.

"I can give you love and attention, why isn't that good enough?!"

"You don't treat me like a person!!"

(Y/N) shouted back.

"You treat me like an object that you can control everything about!! Not to mention, We. Are. Siblings!!!!"

"You don't like me because I'm your sister?"

Aria's question was just above a whisper.

"One of the MANY reasons I'll never like you like that."

(Y/N) was stalling for time. They had told Connor to come find them if they didn't show up on time. If they could keep Aria talking, Connor might come before something damaging happens.

Aria's grip on (Y/N) tightened and (Y/N) winced.

"Once again you reject me because of blood, but if I found you once, I can find you again."

Does that mean-!

Aria pulled a knife out of who-knows-where.

"What are you doing?"

(Y/N) wasn't allowed to leave the world yet. If their soul died in this body, it would be game over.

"Let's die together."

Aria said with a grin. Then she stabbed herself and (Y/N).

Author's Note: Cliffhangers.....

...Aren't they lovely?

System: Survive The YandereOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora