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441.  Your mood should nit dictate your manners.

442. Advertising sells you things you don't need and can't afford, that are over priced and don't work. And they do it by exploiting your fears and insecurities. And if you don't have any, they'll be glad to give you a few.

- George Carlin

443. Flattery feeds directly into our ego and our self-identity. It makes us feel good about ourselves, so naturally, we are not immune to its charms. In fact, flattery affects behavior outside of our awareness. We have a tendency to respond more positively to situations, people, and products that make us feel good about ourselves.

- A J Marsden

444. In every class of society, gratitude is the rarest of all human virtues.

- Wilkie Collins

445. If you fixate on problems, there will be more problems. When you focus on opportunities, more opportunities will appear.

446. A good way to focus and focus is to mentally talk to yourself while doing a task.

447. People who regularly help others are significantly happier and less likely to get depressed as they get older.

448. Energetic music stimulates brain waves that improve concentration even after you stop listening to it.

449. People who tend to have their heads in the clouds are usually better at coping with complex problems.

450. We are subconsciously more attracted to people who have the same taste in music.

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