Chapter 3

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I clench my teeth, this was a bad idea. I should have just pretended I was sick or something instead of coming. "Alright team, we are changing training up a bit today." Coach says.

The squad is currently in the university's gym class room early in the morning. I let out a yawn rubbing my tired eyes. If there is one thing I hate about swimming, it is the early mornings. My eyes slide to Oliver standing next to coach. His arms crossed, confidence radiating off of him.

"So you guys might already know, Oliver is studying to become a chiropractor and taking some biomechanics and sport science papers. So, I though it would be beneficial for him give us a talk today. We want that national title this year so when need every advantage we can get." Coach grins, clapping his hands together.

Some of the team hoots and cheers in response. I roll my eyes slouching in my seat. I would rather be swimming then hearing this bullshit, especially from him.

Oliver steps forwards. "Alright so I thought I would just gives a little overview on the muscles you should be training at the gym for each discipline. Each discipline require a combinations of different muscles and knowing which muscles to target is helpful for strength and conditioning." He says, an easy smile on his face.

The girls in the squad are biting their lips watching Oliver intently, a dreamy look in their eyes. I scoff looking away.

Olivers eyes skim the crowd, "Can I have volunteer to help me demonstrate the muscles." He says, flashing his charming smile to everyone. Nearly everyone shoots their hand up- well everyone except me. Seems like everyone is eager to impress the captain. 

My scowl deepens.

I glance over at Andy beside me and see even he has his hand up too. Traitor.

When I look back to Oliver I am surprised to see that his eyes are fixated on me.

"Beau, come here"

That mother fucker.

"My hand is not up dipshit." I grunt, folding my arms across my chest and leaning back further in my chair.

Coach sends me a disapproving look.

"That wasn't question." Oliver says calmly, his eyes daring and voice commanding.

I give an annoyed sigh and reluctantly get out of my chair grumbling incoherent curse words under my breath as go.

"Firstly let's take look at the muscles we use in butterfly." Oliver says taking a step closer to me, closing the distance between us. I swallow harshly.

He turns me around so my back is facing everyone. I gnash my teeth together but comply grudgingly.

"Now this", he places a hand on my shoulder, "is the deltoid. We use this," his hand slides to the part between my shoulder and neck. "the trapezius," His hand lowers down the back of my neck between my shoulder blades and I can't contain the shiver that runs through my body. "and the rhomboid major and minor predominantly in the upper body for butterfly."

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding as he removes his hand from me. He goes on to the squad about exercises that would be beneficial to strengthen those muscles and some more biology bullshit. I turn around folding my arms against my chest with an unimpressed expression my face. Though it seem the squad is hanging onto every word Oliver is saying.

"For breaststroke we use all the calf muscles, quadriceps and hamstrings" He turns back to me, his finger tips lightly brushing the sides my thighs lightly, I divert my eyes to the roof trying to stop the blush threading to rise. "And the pectoral major" He places his hand on my chest. I bite my lip as his touch sends electrical shocks through my body.

This times he doesn't removes his hand, and I am really struggling to hear what he is saying right now. My heart beating so loud in my ear. I am extremely thankful when he removes his hand, but it is short lived because he grasps my upper arm.

"the biceps and triceps are prominently used for freestyle" His fingers are hot on my bare skin. His hand slides down my back, "And the gluteus-"

"-yea alright" I say stepping away from his hand. "We get the point" I grumble going back to my seat, my face undoubtably burning red.

He chuckle softly, eyes glinting. "So those are the muscles we want to target. Coach and I have set up some exercises to do that specifically for these muscles." Oliver says, his eyes a shade darker then usual.

Coach and Oliver weren't easy on us. Not at all. My muscles are currently spamming from how hard I pushed them. Doesn't help that Oliver is breathing down my shoulder every minute while Andy is shooting me furtive looks every once in awhile.

"What is it with you? Why is Oliver so fascinated with you?"

I pause in my bench press and glance to him to see that he has stopped doing what he was doing and it look at me with a curious confused expression.

"Ah what do you mean?"

"That guy is loved by everyone, hell everyone wants his attention. Yet he always tries to help you in swim trainings. The guy who is rude, has no filter and always a pain in his ass. No offence"

I shrug, "Non taken, it's true. What's you point though?"

"What I mean Is that he hasn't gone fucking 5 minutes away from you yet. Always coming back to check if your technique or that you are pulling the right weight and shit." Andy says frowning. "And while you cute Beau, Tasha and Sophie are fucking stunning, I would be taking them in there offers to help them if I were Oliver. Yet instead he turns them down them down to come and correct your technique" He's says, brow arched.

I roll my eyes, "Don't overthink it Andy, he only does that to piss me off, okay."

Andy looks unconvinced but don't say anything back. I don't know why Andy is reading so much into this? We hate each other's guts, that's the end of the story. There is absolutely, most definitely NO romantic feeling between us whatsoever.

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