Epilogue 3

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April 8, 2023

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April 8, 2023

"Yes boys! You got this," I scream, my hands cupped around my mouth in a desperate attempt to be heard over the crowd. It is futile in a crowded arena of 20,000 people but I will scream until I have no voice anyways.

"I like this game," Luna notes, watching everyone fly across the ice only mildly interested in what is going on. "All games should start with a beach day, don't you think?"

"Luna you sat under a towel, under the umbrella, the entire time and hissed anytime the sun touched you." Parker, unlike Luna, enjoyed his beach day claiming he needs a million more beach days to thaw him out from 4 years of Michigan winters. Vampire Luna wholeheartedly disagreed with this, as Tristian laid next to her tanning like some sort of golden god.

"Well it was still nice, we should take a trip together. Maya doll, do you think Stan's dad will let us borrow the jet again for a trip?"

Again being the operative word, because that is how we got here today. When the boys made the Frozen Four and I learned the game was in Florida I began planning; but my planning was unnecessary because Alex came over that night for pyramid and casually told us his dad would fly the entire figure skating team down on their jet and we could stay at his family's vacation home for the weekend. So, Friday after class we all met Alex's dad and stepmom at the airport and flew down.

"His dad, yes. His step mom, I think she'd rather set me on fire," Maya sulks. She hasn't told Alex about the passive aggressive remarks his stepmom has been throwing at her the last 2 days. But on the bright side Alex's dad loves her, which is the only reason why me, Luna, and Parker aren't getting involved.

"I seriously don't get her issue? Like you have been with Stan longer than she has been with his dad and she has the nerve to make comments about how you must not be 'accustomed' to these luxuries. I don't want to be that person but I swear half her beef with you is because you're mixed."

"Alex's dad's entire family is from India, Parker. I doubt race has anything to do with it."

"Nah, he is right," I interject, pulling my attention from the game while a player from the other team gets sent to the box. "Her comments toward you smell fishy to me, especially the way she said that remark about your kind. Maya you have to tell Alex, he won't let anyone disrespect you."

"He is struggling enough with his parents divorce and this shotgun marriage, I don't want to cause him any more issues. I am a big girl, I don't need my boyfriend to handle this for me. I do appreciate your concern, but can we focus back on the game, please?"

The three of us turn our attention back to the game, though all three of us are still internally brewing over the way that woman treated our Maya. She is too sweet sometimes, definitely the sweetest one in our friend group. I worry, now with graduation a month away, who will protect her when the 7 of us aren't around? No way she will stand up for herself, no matter how much she claims she will.

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