Chapter 16

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Jae escorted me to his car and we drove off to the arcade as we planned the day. The day was full of friendly warmth, catching on old school days. Honestly, I felt so nostalgic and he took that delicate care of my wavering emotions.

We visited our school as ex-students, met our teachers who still treated us with the same authority... Kinda cute.

We decided to end our day on a rooftop restaurant.

"Wow, I haven't had such a holiday in a time now. I give the credit to the most awesome... Park Jaehyun!" I passed dramatically, raising a toast.

He chuckled. "No for real. I was really exhausted in my job and didn't got the time to relax. Today was awesome."

"Ofcourse. You have me with you," I grinned wide, joking.

"Yeah," he smiled, causing mine to falter a bit.

Wasn't he supposed to point out at me being a narcissist?

"How's your job going on?" He asked.

"Fine. Nothing very happening there."

"The salary is!" He chuckled and I scoffed.

"You are at the managerial post. Come on. You must be printing money," I added.

"You can say that. Plastic money," he laughed. "Just kidding. Yeah. Money is not the issue. Especially when I have no one to take care of."

"Same bro," I responded, taking a spoonful into my mouth.

"So, what have you decided?" He asked.

I chewed on my food and asked, "About?"

He laughed yet again, sitting back into his seat. "About the person you'll be using your money?"

Did Yoongi tell him about the adoption thing?

"I haven't decided on anything particular."

"Sora..." He mumbled making me intrigued.

"Sora, Sora, Sora," he spoke, looking up at the sky.

"What in hell do you want? I am not sharing any food. You've ordered sea food, I don't like-"

"I want you to touch my mark," he spoke,  meeting my eyes and the spoon in my hands dropped with a cacophony.

"Close you mouth, stupid," he laughed and I did close my gaping mouth.

He doesn't know that I don't have the ink...

"All this time... I don't know... It feels as if we're meant to be. I haven't felt that comfortable with anyone except you Moon. I want you to touch my mark. I think-"

"No," I interrupted. He gave me a look full of perplexity.

"I... I am not your soulmate," I responded briefly, wiping my lips with the napkin.

"How do you know? Do you... Feel uncomfortable around me? Am I not to your liking? Did I-"

"It's not you. It's me. I... I don't have any soulmate..." I spoke reluctantly.

"What? How's that possible?"

I sighed, "I am not inked, Jae. I don't have a mark. I am sorry I wasn't aware that this wasn't a friendly day out and you were actually taking me out on a date. But I am not your soulmate. I am no one's soulmate infact."

He looked at me dumbfounded. "I... I'm sorry Moon, if that hurt you. I never intended on doing so. And no. This wasn't a date. This was indeed a friendly day out even when I had these slightest feelings for you. Moon I'm sorry-"

"It's fine. I think I should leave," I smiled.

"I'll drop you, what are you talking about?"

"Ahh... I would like to walk my way back. It's just near. It helps me stay fit that too after you made me eat all those street food," I chuckled and he smiled back.

"See you later?" I questioned and he nodded.

I picked up my small sling bag and paced towards the lift. A scrunching pain instilled my heart. Why is it only me who doesn't have a soulmate?! Why is it only me who is not allowed to go on dates like that?!

It honestly felt so good being all lively only to realise you don't deserve any bit of this.

What I ever did was so wrong?

The lift stopped and I stepped out, sighing every now and then. My heart was really heavy upon all that weight the world hefted upon me.

I walked, rather trudged towards our street. The sky was already in the darker shades of blue, tiny pinpricks of light out shining the dark.

That's when I saw Yoongi feeding Yoongi. This is not as confusing as it sounds. He was kneeling down, admiring the kitten lick the milk off the dish.

"Oh Hey Yoongis, what's up?" I chuckled and he looked up to meet my glance.

"Nothing. I was just taking a stroll and found my twin," he laughed, making me too.

The kitten actually left the milk to come to me, it's head lovingly rubbing it's neck against my leg. I picked it up and caressed it's fur.

"It seems to like you," he said.

"Hmm," I let out, walking it back to the dish with the milk.

"Anything happened? Why are you returning alone?"

"Nothing. I am just exhausted. Wanna take a loooong nap," I smiled without eyes.

"You sure?"

I hummed and turned back, moving towards my house. I really just want to cuddle my pillow and sleep, forgetting all what happened.

Seriously, how can God decide what I deserve? I am not a bad person... Please, I am not!

I sighed and my shoulders dropped as I reached back to the empty walls of my house. No one asking me where I went, no one asking me whether I ate or not.

Maybe I am designed to be alone.

I changed into my Pikachu pyjamas and a loose Tee. I went to bed after brushing my teeth but unfortunately, as much as I wanted to sleep, I couldn't.

I know it's too trivial of a thing to cry upon but my eyes were pooling with tears and I could do nothing but wipe them off with my cold hands. I am loosing the warmth slowly... It feels so cold to live like this.

The doorbell rang and who in hell at this time?

I walked out after composing myself and opened the door to Yoongi.

"Uhm... The new Naruto movie released. Since we have watched the entire series together, I thought we could just catch onto this?" He asked, carefully.

Something bloomed in my heart watching his considerate eyes and that made me smile through the immense heartache.

"You're all welcome in my house for that," I beamed, letting him in.

Okay, let's forget it and watch Naruto.

"Oh wait. The recent is Boruto?" I questioned.

"Yeah so?"

"Get out," I pointed to the door.

He snorted, "No. I don't have this home theatre system you are having. If you want you can get out. I'm gonna watch it here only!"

"It's my house."

He smirked, "Do I look like I care, darling?"

Did he just say.... Darling?

"What happened to you? You went all frozen, huh?"

"Ahh... Whatever. I'll just bring the cold drinks and some snacks," I added.


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