26. Forgiven

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I woke up with only one thought that finally I will be going back home but for some reason just couldn't make my self believe it. It's seems like I am dreaming and nothing of that sort happens with me, I wasn't abused a month ago, I wasn't locked a month ago but nothing can't make me forget those things.

Beatrice came inside and hugged me for a very very long time, she was putting all her love and emotions in that hug.

"I will miss you my child" she told me, her voice heavy with tears.

"I will miss you too Ma, only good thing happen out of all this is that I found a mother and a best friend" I told her.

"Don't forget me" she smiled at me.

"I would never" I said, then she packed a small bag for me with some clothes and some herbs that she told me would be of use for me. I thanked her for everything she did for me.

I went out of the house and saw Achilles standing with his horse, there was another horse too beside him which I think will be mine, it was white and his was black. I took a deep breath, this is all real Flora! I told myself.

Amanda also came to meet me I hugged both her and Ma for the last time and then I was off to my horse. Achilles helped me get on the horse carefully. He then settled himself on his horse. There were 4 to 5 people also coming with us. Fin was staying back to take care of the village in Achilles's absence.

I gazed at the place where I lived these whole six months for the last time. Then we were off, on my way I saw that girl who wanted Achilles. She was smirking at me, someone is happy that I am going. When I looked at her she mouthed "I will have him now" and I didn't like her words for some reason. He can't have him .. I mean he ..is not an object and.. No stop Flora. Stop thinking rubbish! I scolded myself.

As we were on our way in the forest, Achilles was at the front and me behind him others were around me as I was in the middle. I gazed at his back, he was stiff gazing ahead. He held a magnificent aura, he look like a king just not the one with no heart.

Maybe he has one now! My inner self said.

Maybe but I am not ..sure. I said back

You just don't want to admit. She told me and I kept quiet after that.

We didn't stop our whole way, I wasn't tired either. He asked me if I want to rest but I declined. Unfortunately our horses needed rest do we stopped by a creek and let the men take care of our horses. I sat slightly away from them beside a tree. I was looking at him as he was talking to his men about the direction. He caught me gazing at him and I immediately look away. He came towards me with the water bottle.

"Here have some water" he told me and I took it from him. I took few sips and then returned the bottle, all this time he was looking at me.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me and I shook my head no. I have eaten alot before coming all thanks to Ma.

"When are we leaving?" I asked seed ungently and he looked a little hurt but then his face was emotionless

"Just in a moment" he said and went towards his people. After some time we were on our way, I was again in the middle. I was happy with the arrangement, I felt safe here. Whenever I think of the last time I shudder with fear. I didn't know I will be able to forget that. Would I be able to forget everything and move on with my life?

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