(71) Situation Control

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Toga caught me in my tracks. "YOU! DID I ORDER YOU TO DO THAT?! I'm the one who's supposed to be with you! Are you trying to make me look stupid?!" I pushed her back. "Now you want me?! BULLSHIT! You rejected me years ago and then left...you don't get to have me! I finally found someone so after I get Eri back..I want you out of my life!" She yelled back. "Oh yeah?! Then I'll just ruin your life!" I turned back to face her. "Tch, all this?! What more can you do..you already messed it up. TWICE!" She slyly grinned. "Don't let me make it a 3rd time.. And did you forget?! You'll do what I say if you want Eri. Now get on the floor and beg before I decide I won't let you save her. BEG!" I turned my back on her. "Did you think I wouldn't find out?! You're not the one pulling the strings, it's Overhaul!" Her eyes widened like saucers as I continued. "And I know where your base is. I traced you back to your last location. Give it up..Himiko..I've already won. Goodbye.." As I made it down the hall she screamed out.

"That day, when we were kids! Do you wanna know why I left?!" I whipped my head around and we met each other's gaze. "I was mad..yeah! But I was tricked into doing it by...Shigaraki! And I wanted to reverse everything...but once you start you can't go back.. I'm bound to the league by blood!" I turned my head back around. "Himiko..it's too late.. You should've told me earlier..."

While clenching my fists I ran to get my hero suit from the training room. "15 minutes till sunset." Eri..I'm sorry it took me so long but.. I'm coming.


Luckily..it was the end of the school day since we arrived late. Minutes before we were dismissed I slipped out the back exit praying that Mitsuki didn't leave for work yet.

I flew back to the house as fast as I could..running instead whenever my quirk began to exhaust itself. I slammed open the door. "Mitsuki! Mitsuki! Are you here?!" She took her bag off the counter. "What's up kiddo? I was just leaving for work. Shouldn't you still be at school?" I paused in an effort to catch my breath, choosing not to answer her question. "..Can you call in sick?" She raised her eyebrows. "Why..?" I gulped. "Bakugo's in trouble.."

"WHAT?! FROM WHO?!" "Toga.." I mumbled. With her eyes wide in shock, she immediately picked up her phone, putting on the best sick impression I've ever seen.

"Hey boss..I t-think I've caught a fever...*cough cough* Do you mind me calling in sick today..? I'll be back on my feet by.. *cough cough* t-tomorrow..." She put her phone on speaker and fake sneezed into the phone microphone. "Yes of course! You've taken the least sick days out of all employees. Use as much time as you want! Just focus on getting better alright?" She sniffled. "Yes..thanks.." She quickly hung up the phone and threw it across the couch.

"Fill me in child."

I explained the situation to her from top to bottom in the most terse way possible. As I finished her jaw dropped and rapped an entire paragraph. "So you're telling me.. that Katsuki was forced to break up with you because of that bitch Toga who randomly showed up because she claims that she now wants my son when she obviously has an ulterior motive, and now Bakugo's on his way to get my daughter from the like most dangerous villains ever..all by himself?!" She let out a breath as I scratched the back of my head. "Yeah..uhm pretty much..."

"But I have his location tracked on my phone!" "Perfect!" Mitsuki cheered as she rolled up her sleeves and cracked her knuckles with a very much Bakugo like expression taking over her features. "Well then," She looked around. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go get them!"

"Wait!" I whipped my head around. "We can change into our hero suits on our way there but are you sure you can go..? I don't want you getting hurt.." But damn..the same goes for me..if I don't use the full potential of my quirk like in the first training match with Bakugo..I'm dead.

Mitsuki pulled her hair back into her best ponytail. "Where do you think Bakugo got all his power from?!" She lit up an explosion. "I'm the OG babyyy! As my favorite quote says. 'You can't outdo the doer.' PERIOD." I smiled. ..In a way, they are very much alike..especially in how they handle situations..pftt.. On that day I ran away..I'm glad I met this family..

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