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Tommy's horse, Grace's Secret, had thrown a shoe. Polly had led Lily to the stables, where the box stalls were. "She looks in fine shape." Tommy felt the horse down, before patting her nose and speaking gently to her. May looked on, watching. Lily got a few strokes of the horses neck in before being shown out, on to the next adventure for her.

Polly showed Lily to the sitting area, handing her a water with sugar cubes melting in it. The sweet drink kept the child cool and occupied-as she sipped it and dipped her fingers in it. Little did the oblivious, innocent child know, across the event, Grace was here-grabbing at Tommy, eager to tell him some news-she was with child. 

Polly left Lily with John and a tearful Lizzie-something had happened to her. No doubt she had been pulled into Tommy's scheming plans, and been collateral damage. Lily chewed on her fingers, getting slobbery spit on them. John tried to comfort Lizzie, while also grabbing a fistful of napkins and wiping the grime from Lily's hands, scolding her unhearing ears with pleas of 'don't do that, Lily.' But alas, she continued. What else was there for her to do? All of the Shelby's were beginning to think that bringing the disabled girl along had been a mistake. Arthur was doing lines off the table, feeling guilt but not enough to stop, even with the girl right there. He told himself it was okay, because she didn't see or hear him doing the drugs. 

Tommy was nowhere to be found-he had been taken. It was chaos-and nobody even knew he had gone. Before anyone noticed, he was back-having narrowly cheated death-and the maid was at the flat in Small Heath, settling Lily in for bed. 

Things would have to change-Tommy would come back from this setback of almost being executed. He would come back fiercer, colder-if it was even possible. His old love was back, and pregnant with his child. Lily was a growing girl-she would only get older, stronger, taller-and still she was a wild, untamed thing. But now Grace was back-maybe she could help again-continue teaching the girl. She would have to-Tommy didn't know what else there could be for the child-if Grace didn't help-it was hopeless, and the only other thing to do was the inevitable admitting of the girl to an asylum once she was so big she injured someone in a way too much to handle. 

Not a bruise from a kick, not a split lip from a stray hand, but broken bones or deep cuts. Grace would be not only Tommy's saving angel, but possibly the girls, too, if she would continue in her work from two years prior. She had trusted in the girl that she could learn, and that she possessed knowledge, but it was locked away in the darkness and silence of Lily Shelby's mind. 

Morning came, and Tommy walked in the door after a tireless night of plotting at his desk. He was always thinking of the future. His youngest sister sat at the table, feet swinging back and forth as she sat bringing her hands down on a plate, causing the plate to clatter on the table, the noise ringing about the kitchen. "She already wants a second helping of breakfast." Finn muttered. Polly was fixing tea, and heating some porridge. "You're back." She turned to Tommy. Polly had done something yesterday, at the races. She had killed Campbell-that wretch. 

But someone else would soon initiate themselves into the Shelby's life as the new villain so to speak. Someone who would have an unnatural interest in the youngest Shelby, admiring her for her young age and inability to witness with her eyes and speak what may happen to her. 

The girl at the table banging on dishes with her fisted hands had no idea that a man dressed in robes and professed to love the lord would wreak havoc on her family. That this man would take her into confession and bless her and pray for her to be healed, while thinking unjust thoughts about her. 

The dangers of the future awaited them all-the dangers of existing in Small Heath, Birmingham-and especially as the family members of the Peaky Blinders themselves. 

But for now, Lily Shelby ate her second helping of breakfast (after all, being a twelve year old took a lot of energy), and then found her way upstairs to play with her wooden blocks. Her life would continue in simplicity for now, while Tommy built the Shelby Business, and the Peaky Blinders Empire. 

*authors note: cue the end of season 2!! I had to add Alfie and Lily meeting because someone asked for it-also alfie is iconic. he basically just gets a kick out of lily and thinks she's a funny little thief. tommy is relieved to have grace back because he is so done dealing with lily half the time and taking her to literal business meetings with him. like he loves her but has his own shit to deal with is his thought process. polly killing campbell is straight from the show and i had to add it in because it's such a badass moment for polly and i fucking hate campbell the most out of any peaky character (although gina is a close second). anyways next chapter we will be back with season 3 baby!!!

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