Chapter 18 - Meeting the Past

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Chapter 18 – Meeting the Past

The drive to the pack in need of aid is as smooth as can be, only having a delay when at our third hotel the searing pain of my so called mate fucking some she wolf causes me to be immobile for a day. My body felt like knives leaving tiny sliver on my skin as the torture of this feeling had Ariven drugging me and make me sleep for a day and night only to be woken up by the sound of wolves chattering and moving around.
"Where are we?" I mumble out drowsily, burying my face in the pillow below me as Ariven's scent wraps around me. A deep chuckle shakes the pillow I am snuggling into and I quickly realize that it is not a pillow, but Ariven's body.
"Am I comfortable Darling?" Ariven asks, a hand running gently through my hair.
"Yes." I answer, hiding my hot face from his view. Another deep chuckle and gentle hands playing with my hair slowly lulls me back to sleep.
"We are in the guest house at the pack in aid. One of their members, the previous Beta Female if I am not mistaken, came in screaming about us being a day late and how disrespectful you are for not immediately coming to greet the Alpha. The twins quickly put her in her place reminding the she-wolf that we came as per requested and can leave just as easily." Ariven's words are quiet, his warm embrace and soft words adding to the calmness that begs me to fall asleep again.
"She sounds like a bitch." I mumble out gaining another chuckle.
"That she is, and you have an hour to get ready and deal with said bitch, her mate, the Alpha and the Beta."
"Can't they wait another day?" I groan out, turning my head to look at Ariven.
"No. You and I need to study their defenses and training."
"Is that all?"
"Nope. There is also us having to investigate the soulless. Amberle and Ira called while you were out cold. The soulless attacks here mimic the ones that destroyed Forest Paw a few years ago." I sit up, intrigued that Fire Foot would request something of me while helping another pack. But as this also includes the Leader from the Temple of the Goddess, I have to accept. The thought of soulless banding together, murdering innocent wolves and destroying packs causes my blood to boil. Those foul smelling wolves and blood as black as tar are the bane of our existence. No one knows how they are made, all we can speculate is the lack of pack and mate causes their humanity to shatter and their animal instincts take over until they become sick to the point of near death, living just to kill and maim. I should bring this up with the Alpha of this pack in order to gain intel for Amberle and Ira.
"You said I have an hour till we meet this packs higher up?" I ask Ariven, climbing off the bed and gathering an already prepared garment bag from my luggage with a pair of black heels.
"Yes." Ariven answers and I smile.
"Give me twenty minutes. We can eves drop on them and see where the problem lies." With that I make my way to the bathroom, a sense of de-ja-vu running through me. I sigh, deciding to put the matter aside and place my garment bag on the hook beside the door before starting the shower and undressing. The warm spray helps to ease the remaining tension the pain from Mika's infidelity to the bond caused. I hated when he would fool around with some pack whore. The pain being so unbearable as the Moon Goddess that only medication can help. Some times I envy regular she-wolves who feel this pain as all they need is a Tylenol or Advil to alleviate their pain. If Alpha Sorus and Luna Reena knew how their son behaved, they would be furious and his punishment would result in Mika being bed bound for weeks to repent for harming his mate in any way. As I shower, I think about the end of the mate bond, wondering who my mother has paired me with as my second chance mate and if the next bond will also end in a rejection. I know the Goddess of Destiny has given a few matches to my mother but she forbade me from looking into my own book when in the Dream Scape to protect the future for myself and the pack I have created. Maybe I can convince her to pair Ariven and I together. I have feelings for him, something I came to realize last year. He treats me like I am his world and I feel safe when with him. He is the one I want.
Within twenty minutes I am showered, dried and dressed, my curly prism coloured hair put into a messy bun with small strands framing my face. A slight touch of make-up to finish the look and slipping on the black heels and I am ready to meet this pack's Alpha and his elite. Hopefully this meeting goes well. Exiting the bathroom I walk into the bed room to see Ariven dressed in a pair of fitted black slacks and a navy blue dress shirt, the sleeves rolled to his elbow displaying the recent tattoos in all their glory. His long black hair is tied in a high pony and I roll my eyes at the casual yet business like attire of the man usually in jeans, a t-shirt and boots.
"Ready?" He asks, holding a three ringed binder out to me that I gladly take. It is information of the pack, information I have yet to read as I become focused on writing and then withering in pain for the end of the journey. I will have to skim the information during the meeting. Exiting the bedroom, I walk with Ariven down familiar halls and a familiar stair case, the sense of de-ja-vu growing once more.
"Are we heading to their pack house to meet?" I ask as I step off the last step, intending to walk towards the door.
"No, I asked the Alpha and his pack mates to join us in the meeting room here." Ariven answers, leading me down the right corridor. As each step brings me closer to the meeting room, familiar scents reach my nose. Suspicious, I stop just before the door and turn to Ariven a raised brow as I clue in to what pack we may be at.
[I want to listen to their reactions Ariven, so you go in first.] I link my Theta, motioning to the door and stepping aside so the wolves inside cannot see nor hear me. If my hunch is correct, Ariven kept very important information from me. My friend sighs, an apologetic look on his face before he squares his shoulders and pushes open the door.
"Sorry we are late. The journey here was long and one of our wolves had to rest due to a mate bond issue." Ariven states, his voice loud and clear. The smell that assaults me confirms my hunch, anger and hatred bubbling inside me.
"I understand. I am also sorry for interrupting you and your pack. My Beta had no right to call for aid behind my back but after going through the reports I soon realized she is right." A voice that I wish to never hear again calls out. His words piercing my heart like jagged blade of glass. I clench my fists, feeling my nails dig into the palm of my hand and taking dep breaths to ground myself - the scent of my tormentors do not help in the slightest. I lean against the wall, trying to get my bearings and calm my raging emotions to no avail. Then the full moon is reveals itself from behind the large clouds, its light shining down on me and calming me as if my mother is beside me giving me a hug and protecting me in her warm embrace. Finally able to calm down I remind myself that I am an Alpha, that I am the Future Moon Goddess. That my kidnappers and my abusers do not control me anymore. I am in charge of my future and destiny.
"I am Mika Alibaster, Alpha of Hidden Claws." Mika introduces himself. I can feel the power of an Alpha radiating off of him. But it is weak. I realize years of being under Bastian and Jasmin's control left the wolf who rejected me less than what his parents were.
"Ariven Cross, Theta of Silver Crystal Crescent." Ariven's deep voice answers and I smile. Its show time. I stand from my spot leaning on the door, take another look at the full moon and square my shoulders as I walk into the room.
"Actually Mika, Ariven is my Theta. My Third in command and the commander of my Head Tracker and Head hunter. I am the Alpha of Silver Crystal Crescent." I state, allowing the power of my blood to radiate through me and intimidate the wolve sin the room. I watch as Bastian and Jasmine visibly shrink into their chairs, eyes wide with fear and astonishment while Mika does his best to stand before me, but I can see his body wanting to submit. Out of the two of us, I am the stronger and more powerful.
"I would say its nice to see you all again but if my Theta hadn't had tricked me to accept your aid like your Beta tricked you into requesting said aid, I would have rather watched this place burn to the ground. Unfortunately being an Alpha, I have to be a responsible adult and help those that request it." I continue, taking the available seat at the head of the table and sitting down, motioning for Ariven and Mika to do the same. Lace has been quiet this whole time, her head facing her lap as she does her best to be unnoticed. I commend her internally for this.
[You owe me an explanation Ariven Lucas Cross.] I growl out through the link, feeling his unease as my friend takes the seat next to me.
[I understand Geminie.] His voice is quiet – submissive – and I understand that he is ready to take responsibility for tricking me. Good.
"Now Mika, care to explain why you have been causing the decline of Hidden Claws after the hard work Alpha Sorus and Lunar Reena has put in?"

"Now Mika, care to explain why you have been causing the decline of Hidden Claws after the hard work Alpha Sorus and Lunar Reena has put in?"

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