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" Wow, looking to get drunk today sir, well if you don't mind, I would like to see your ID," I asked sheepishly for some reason.

" Well, how do you think I got in here if I was underage?" He asked and I could tell his eyebrow was raised in confusion.

" Well, it's not about age sir, it's just that in our club we have a safety policy where we are allowed to ask for ID when we feel like someone is ....... suspicious, it's for personal safety," I said as I wiped the glass I was going to use to make his drink.

" Oh ........sure," he said as he pulled out his wallet from his front pocket and handed me his ID.

" Axel Swayer, 22 years old, that name kinda sounds familiar, okay sir, you're fine now. would you like to make any modifications to your drink?" I asked after I had handed his ID back.

" No, just a normal bloody Mary, the same old way " the man, Axel, said as he kept looking around, to be honest, he kind of looked really suspicious, but after a couple more twists and turns he finally settled in.

" Is someone bothering you sir, I don't mean to invade your privacy, but you seem to be irked out " I said trying to start a conversation, like I said before I actually kind of am extroverted and like talking to people, only when I think they are approachable or maybe nice.

" Ugh ....no it's... it's nothing" he seemed to be bothered, the type of bothered as if you have been followed for hours now to the point where you are not scared you are just annoyed and bothered, yeah I'm good at reading people.

" Do you feel like talking or would you just like to have your drink in peace?" I asked.

" Yeah, a small conversation would be fun but don't expect me to initiate it," he said chuckling while taking a sip of his drink that I just handed him.

" Then who is going to start this conversation, I mean, I'm not really good at starting or talking about stuff unless someone has opened up about it, " I said giving a  smile.

" Yeah, it's actually kinda hard starting a conversation, I mean like I'm an extrovert, yet I still struggle with it "

" Wait you're an extrovert, to be honest, your look and how hidden you are just says the opposite, like even after pulling the mask down it's still kinda hard to tell who you are really, don't know if that makes sense, sorry," I said, accidentally ranting a bit in the middle.

" Excuse me " I heard another man calling, I excused myself, leaving Axel to sip on his drink peacefully, well as peaceful as it could get in a club.

I took the other man's order and immediately went to work while returning back to the conversation I was having with Axel

" Sorry, what were we talking about again " I asked, Axel laughed a bit then gave me a kind smile " You were ranting about how you still can't tell who I am or see me well".

" Yeah, I'm sorry, that didn't make much sense. it's just that once I get in a conversation and start sensing that the person opposite to me is nice and all I get a bit comfortable" I said sheepishly as I worked on the cocktail in hand, forgot to mention I was a multitasker.

" You truly are an extrovert"  Axel started laughing and I already realized that this man loved to laugh and appreciated the tiniest bit of humor.

" Yeah, hay I wanted to ask you this when I first saw you but from where did you get this hat, you see I really love bucket hats and I have a wild collection of them, yet I never have seen this one, is it designer ?". I asked.

"yeah it was actually custom-made for me, it didn't drop in stores, that's why you haven't seen it " he chuckled.

" Ohhhh, cool, were you the one to design it?" I asked out of curiosity.

" Yeah, I draw in my free time, so I decided to make this design, you seem to like it a lot, don't you? " Axel asked, to be honest, I didn't know how to reply, I wasn't inquiring or showing my interest so he would give it to me or anything, he might think like that, what do I say?

" Well yeah, it's quite cool, I advise you to sell them online or something, you'd earn quite a bit," I said as I went over to hand that other man's drink then returned back to Axel.

" Well, that's a good idea, but I really like this design, I want it to be just a small special piece made by me that no one else has. can I have one more please " he finished then proceeded to push his empty glass my way.

" I get that feeling, I hate people mimicking me and wearing everything I wear," I said taking his glass and making him another killer cocktail.

The conversation went on for a while, all night we talked and chilled, at some point he just stopped drinking and sat there talking to me while I worked, serving a bunch of wanting-to-forget and have fun customers, sadly by 12 he had to excuse himself saying it was getting very late.

3 hours later I was also done with my shift, collecting my stuff and returning the uniform to its respective place.

I was getting out saying goodbye to the remaining workers who wandered around the place. cleaning and finishing some stuff

" Hay Zack, wait " Eric, one of my friends at work, called out for me

" Yeah, what's up Eric?" I questioned.

" A masked man left this for you and said to give it to you at the end of your shift, goodnight, bro," Eric said handing me an average-sized bag then turned around to leave.

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