I Love You Three Million

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Hello everyone, it is Haru here coming to you with another great achievement.

I've thought long and hard about this thank you, because it feels surreal that I'm even coming on here saying thank you for a story that reached 3 Million reads.

Just an idea, that's what a story starts out as, just a mere thought in someone's mind that grows into an entire adventure, filled with laughter, sadness, and hard lessons.

Just an idea is what this story is, and through writing it and publishing each chapter, you all have brought the true happiness that comes with a story, you are the reason that the story has bloomed into this new achievement.

Never in my life, not once did I ever think that a simple idea in my mind could make such an impact, to some it seems like a small thing, but to me it's one of the most important days of my life.

I take none of the credit for this story's success, because without all of you, every single one the commenters and silent readers, all of you are the reason that this story has made such an impact and reached such a high achievement.

Without you, I would have never had the confidence to continue this story, I wouldn't have had the want to continue thinking of cute moments and things to add in for your enjoyment. I wouldn't have all of those lonely hours spent reading your comments, giggling in the clouds of sadness that brought such a light to my life.

I have never in my life seen a group of people that have been so supportive of a dream, that's all it was, a simple dream that I've had since I was 7 years old to become a writer and be able to share the stories in my head.

The fact that I've had 3 million reads on one of my simple ideas, for the rest of my life it will be my greatest achievement.

You all, are my greatest achievement.

I want you to know how precious all of you are to me in my life, every single time I see your notifications pop up on my phone screen all I can do is just smile at the fact that I know you're taking time out of your life, to read my simple idea.

In life we don't ever feel like we make a big enough impact to be noticed, but please know that you have made one of the biggest impacts on me that can happen in life., you've made me smile, you've cried with me, and you've showed me what it's really like yo be supported and have people that want to interact with you.

I'm a random stranger that writes Fanfiction on the internet, but I want to thank you for what you have brought to my life, and the love that you have brought to my once broken heart through your reads and comments.

I will be coming up with something fun for you guys very soon, if you would like, please follow me on my Instagram that is linked in my profile, and please send me a DM to let me know you're one of my readers following me so I can accept it!

Thank you for being one of my reasons to keep going.

~💕I Love You Three Million💕~


Solitary Affection |MYG Fanfiction|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora