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"Whoa." Jace said in awed.

"Oh, I know." I chuckled at his shocked face.

We were currently standing at the entryway of the Rylan residence and grand was too small of a word to describe what was in front of us.

Valet had parked Jace's car when we arrived. There was literally a red carpet that was rolled out and led towards the inside. I grabbed Jace's hand and led him in navigating through people.

His eyes wandering with every step. The gala was in full swing. Mrs. Rylan cleared her ginormous living room space that was probably the size of a ballroom. There area was filled with well dressed influential individuals. The best of the top tier.

Circular tables with tall grand flower centerpieces lined the outside boarder of the room. There were some already seated. An elegant pianist was playing filling the room with the beautiful sound.

Servers move gracefully around the room offering individuals hors d'oeuvres and champagne, only of the finest. Who can forget the bar? Only stocked with the finest liquors and wine. Some were there ordering and collecting drinks.

We all know once the alcohol is flowing, so will the donations.

The giant crystal chandelier hung beautifully in the the center of the room. The lights above shining causing the chandelier to reflect onto the dance floor in the middle of the room giving off a glittering effect.

"So, they're this rich?" Jace inquired taking it all in.

"They're this rich." I answered. "Nate's parents were well off even before marrying because of their parents. So they just grew it to this." I gestured to what was in front of us.

Jace nodded his head as a server approached us holding out a silver tray filled with champagne glasses. Not shy, he took two glasses and thank the server.

He handed one over to me. I quirked a brow. "Liquid courage. We're gonna need it tonight."

He was right. I grabbed the glass and took a sip of cool bubbly liquid.

"You're here!" I heard a voice announce. I looked over to the side to see Kayla approaching us. "Wow, you look amazing! I really worked my magic. Doesn't Leah look gorgeous, Jace?"

I couldn't tell if that compliment was for me or her.

He cleared his throat. "She definitely does." Then took a sip of the champagne. A blush filled my cheeks from his words.

I hate that.

Her eyes landed on Jace scanning his appearance. "You're just naturally good looking. God definitely has favorites."

Don't inflate his ego more!

I rolled my eyes at her. Seems like she may have had a glass or two of champagne.

Jace chuckled. "You look amazing yourself. Luke would be eating his heart out."

That turned Kayla into a red tomato.

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