Part 19 "Babysitting Mom"

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They sped off, Steve feeling uneasy,
As she drove very fast.

They arrived to Steve's house where the kids were all out the door knocking, they turned around to see Max driving Steve's car, she immediately got out screaming to the others for help They ran over to bet met with a bloody Billy and Steve.

The all panicked. "Help me get them in!" Max said as they all rushed to grab the older two, Max, El, and Lucas grabbed Steve and Will, Mike, and Dustin grabbed Billy, dragging them inside, setting them down on the couch.

"What do we do??" Lucas asked terrified.
"Look around for any medical supplies, anything at all!" Max ordered as everyone scattered except for El, she was getting pillows and blankets for the older two who were unconscious, Steve had passed out.

They all came back with supplies and put everything done on the coffee table, Max and El did most of the work, as the boys made food for Steve and Billy for when they woke, Dustin came back in the living room with a note. "Hey, Steve's mom left home a note" he said handing it to her, after a minute of reading it she gave it back to him. "Save it for when he wakes" She said.

Max knew how to deal with most kinds of wounds, as she had to help Billy alot. She and El gently took their they both gently took their shirts off seeing their wounds on their upper half.

She disinfected all their wounds, then wiped any blood she saw, gently put bandages on the wounds she could, and even put stitches in wounds that needed it, for certain ones she got ice.

She sent El to Steve's room looking for weed for them to help them feel relaxed when they woke, El came back with it, setting it done for them.

Steve was the first to wake up, he got up to quickly and groaned in pain laying back down as Max came over to him. "Steve your up!" She said hugging him, he winced at the pain she caused him, squeezing his rib cage. "Sorry!" She said letting go.

He looked over at Billy who was still unconscious, he looked at him sadly feeling horrible. She saw him staring at Billy and comforted him."Hey it's not your fault" Max said holding his hand, he looked back to her and nodded.

"Oh hey Steve there is a note here for you from your mom" Max said grabbing it, she handed it to him and he read it.

Dear Steve

Your father and I should be gone by the time you read this, I do wish I could have stayed, though you father wouldn't let me, I did however leave you money against your father's wishes, and I will be sending you money monthly, unfortunately your father is selling the house, he didn't want you living there, and he didn't want to live there either, I'm so very sorry you had to find out like this, please use the money to get yourself a nice place, maybe with that special friend of yours Billy, I love you son, take care.  - Mom

Steve teared up finishing the note, he put it down and began balling, Max held him as the others heard and rushed over giving him a big group hug.

They all let go after a bit. "Steve are you ok?" Dustin asked. "Not really" he said wiping his tears. "My parents are gone again, but at least she left me some kind of money" he said grabbing the check he saw.

Steve harrington
- Mrs. Harrington.

"Holy shit" he said reading the amount on there. "How much is it?" Max said. "60 grand" he said. "JEE- SUS" Dustin said. "That's insane" Will said.

What are you gonna do with it?" Mike said.
Steve looked over to Billy and paused thinking. "I'm gonna get my own place,with Billy" he said looking back to them smiling, Max let out a small smile assuming she would go back to Neil's.

"And you" Steve said looking at her. "Me?" She asked. "Yeah Max why the hell would I let you go back there?" He asked, she smiled brightly. "Oh thank you Steve" she said hugging him again. "OW" he shouted in pain.

"Sorry!!" She let go, he laughed at her forgetfulness.

What Max wasn't an expert in was weed so she gave him to much and he was majorly stoned, but it was kinda funny.

Billy started to wake up, looking at everyone, feeling sore, he looked at Steve who was laughing his butt off, in tears about a joke he just told. "What's happening?" Billy asked the younger ones.

"Steve is as high as a kite, her take some" Max said handing him a blunt, he inhaled a bit, then moving the blunt away from his mouth, and inhaling more to let it go down to his throat. He held it there for a few seconds before exhaling letting all the air out.

He did that a few more times to get stoned.
He gave her the blunt back. "Oh yeah I feel it" he said sighing. "So what all happened?"
Billy asked everyone. "Oh I mean long story short Steve went in there and saved your ass" Max said, Steve looked over at Billy smiling. "Yeah your dad kicked my ass though, but I did punch him, because he was being mean" Steve said giggling.

"Really?" Billy asked him. "Yeah baby of course,I got so worried about ya" Steve said schooching closer to Billy, Billy put his arm around Steve holding him close, tearing up.
"Billy why are you crying?" Steve asked. "I'm not just- thank you" he said wiping his eyes.

Everyone was smiling. "Yall are gonna make me soft" Billy said playfully.

"Oh shutup" Dustin said, Billy gave him a look like did you just say that to me?
"Sorry" Dustin said quietly. "Mhm" Billy replied.

"You little brats can go home now except Max of course" Billy said glaring at them.

"Oh no thank you?" Mike said. "Fine, thank you, I appreciate this really, C'mere" he said rolling his eyes and opening an arm inving them to hug. The younger ones went up to him and hugged Billy, it wasn't as awkward  at all considering it was their first time hugging him.

They all let go and began to leave, saying their goodbyes. "Oh there is food for yall by the way " Max said going to get it. Steve started kissing Billy's cheek a lot, Billy laughed at this, Steve was cute when he was high.

Max brought the food over to them with waters so they could stay hydrated, then went back to the kitchen to clean.

They scarfed it down needless to say. "So guess what" Steve said giggling. "Hm?" Billy said drinking his water. "My dad is kicking me out of this houseee" he said laughing. "What?" Billy said placing his drink down.

"Here" Steve said handing Billy the note, he finished it after a few minutes giving it back. "So what does this mean?" Billy asked looking over to Steve. "Billy?" Steve asked.
"What?" He replied. "Remember when we talked about moving in with each other?" Steve asked smiling.

"Yeah" Billy said. " you want to get our own place?" Steve asked him. Billy nodded going to kiss him it was a sweet passionate kiss, they let go and stared at each other. "Max will be with us" Steve said looking over to her in the kitchen, Billy did the same and smiled.

"Oh god Steve I love you" Billy said. "I love you more Billy" Steve said they kissed once again both experiencing pain because of it but they didn't care right now.

They stopped after a few minutes, laughing as they both felt massive amounts of pain.

Max came back in since she was done. "What now?" She asked. "Tomorrow we get our own place" Steve said smiling. "for now, we watch a movie" he gestured for her to sit with them, and she sat in the middle of them, they all cuddled and turned on a movie.

Eventually the 3 of them fell asleep together.

(Authors note)
This is adorable I'm shitting.
My book will be coming to an end soooon.

1400 words

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