chaptet four

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the day of their presentation nixon was different than he was the other day, though she didn't mind much as she was getting distracted from school, but it was just weird.

"hey." she said while walking to him, and his group of friends. he didn't respond though, only looked at her and looked back to his phone. she shrugged it off and continued to her seat.

"he's not the one.. he acts different around his friends." eryn said while crossing his arms, glaring at the brunette boy. she giggled softly and sat in her seat, pulling the poster board from her backpack and laid it on her desk.

when it was their turn to present he did do most of the talking, but he was very dry towards her, no smiles like the other day. but again she didn't stress it too much.
at the end of the class the teacher had them both stay after. they both figured it was just something about the poster they did.

"i've seen you guys work together very well, i'm going to have mackenzie help you out a little bit." nixon scoffed softly.

"help me with what?" mr brown flipped his computer around to show nixon his grade in the class.

"you could use some help." he said while turning it back around.

"i see you guys have the same free block, so i'd like for you two to make up some dates to study and make up some of this work before the semester is over."

"but why can't you do it?" nixon asked.

"you don't pay attention to me, as we can see.. you work very well with mackenzie." mackenzie smiled softly and nodded, but nixon wasn't reciprocating this happiness.

"you guys are dismissed." mr brown said while doing something on his computer.

"when should we-" she started but he was already walking off in the opposite direction. at the end of the day it was his choice, he was the one that needed the help and if he didn't want it, what could she do?
it was a week later when nixon finally decided to meet mackenzie in the library. she was pretty surprised to see the brunette haired boy sat in front of her.

"finally decided to join me?" she leaned forwards in her chair.

"yeah well tyler isn't here so i might as well."

"okay... well, what do you want to work on first?" she asked. he really didn't seem too interested, scrolling his phone with his backpack still on. she sighed as she wasn't answered and fell back into what she was working on.

"what are you doing?" he asked after a few minutes of watching her.

"uhm, an essay for mrs clark's class." she glanced up then back down to her computer.

"well, what are we gonna do about mr browns class?" she scoffed and leaned the screen of her computer down to look at him.

"i asked you that.. but whatever you were doing was more important i guess." he groaned and pulled his laptop out of his backpack.

"i'm sure you've done all of this stuff, can't you just give me the answers?" she turned the computer to her to see the missing assignments.

"jesus... and no i can't." she clicked on one of the assignments.

"it's literally history, you could google this stuff if you were that desperate." he sighed heavily.

"you don't have to lecture me mackenzie, i get it." she smiled and pulled out some of the flash cards she made for this unit.

"here, all of the answers for this assignments and the next two should be in here." nixon let out a grumble and took the stack of cards, sitting up in his chair. the two fell into their own quiet worlds while completing what they were working on, but soon one of nixons friends sat at the table.

"you're partnered with her again." the brunette haired girl said, leaning closer to nixon.

"she's just helping me study, nicole." she scoffed while looking at mackenzie, resting her hand on his arm.

"we could go have some fun." she smiled, softly rubbing his arm. he shook his head while glancing at mackenzie.

"i have to finish this." she groaned and fell back in her seat, crossing her arms while glaring at mackenzie. she felt small under the eyes of nicole. she stared so harshly and rolled her eyes when their eyes met. nixon noticed this and nudged the girls leg under the table, telling her to lighten up without saying anything.

mackenzie tried to ignore her but eventually grew to feel too intimidated and packed her things back into her backpack.

"i have to go... can we finish this another day?" she asked nixon, reaching for her cards.

"are you okay?" he asked with a genuine look.

"yeah i just... don't feel well." she lied, reaching for her cards again but he grabbed her hand.

"can't i finish this up? i'll be quick." he was on his last assignment for these cards and only had a few more questions. mackenzie groaned and just left the cards on the table, walking out of the library. she did like to have her own things and not leave them to be potentially messed up by someone but she felt to overwhelmed to even care.

she went out to her car and just slumped in her seat, laying her head against the head rest. she locked her doors and closed her eyes tightly, squeezing the steering wheel tightly.

after about ten minutes she jumped from the knock on her door, sitting up to see the brunette boy at her passenger window.

"i wanted to give you back your flash cards." he smiled softly. he wasn't sure what happened but she looked nervous, maybe even scared. she unlocked the door and he pulled it open, reaching in to hand her the cards.

"also i'm sorry about nicole, she can come off as really.. obnoxious."

"yeah." mackenzie laughed softly, tucking her cards back into their case.

"i was gonna go get lunch.. was wondering if you wanted to come with me." she smiled and shrugged.

"depends, if nicole's going.. i don't think i can handle her stares." he laughed softly and sat in her passenger seat.

"it could just be me and you." she took her keys out of her pocket and turned the key into the ignition, starting the car up.

"where did you want to go?" she asked while beginning to drive out the campus parking lot.

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