Under Control

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(Thank you for your patience. Been super busy and still am x.x)


Was it even possible to be cuter than you're own child?

I kept asking myself that as I hugged Sam, feeling his little stubby tail nudge against my leg as it gave away his emotions. I knew he didn't like being touched, likely because he didn't trust people. For good reason. However; a smile slipped onto my face as I leaned over and nuzzled my nose into the soft fur atop his head.

"I got you something."

He froze, curious soft brown eyes looking up at me with interest. His tail still wagged, but its pace had slowed as he focused on my face.

"Well, for you and the kids. Here." I set him aside gently on the sofa, then stood up and grabbed three small bones from my back pocket. Sitting on them had reminded me of them in a painful manner but I couldn't not give Sam attention when he finally decided to ask for some. Thus, I waited.

"Here," I said, handing him the bigger of the three. His little pup was suddenly in my lap, gnawing on one of the other two with fervor.

"I suppose you claimed that one, hm? Mr. Stinkybutt."

Instead of being embarrassed by the very pungent pile of poop in his diaper, Coda just kept going at the bone, completely oblivious to everything else. Ah, to be young again.

Setting him down on the floor so that he didn't accidentally fall off the sofa, I offered my daughter the last bone and got up.

"Alright, I'll go start dinner, then get Coda changed and cleaned up."

I saw Sam nod slightly, but that's the only reaction I got as all three of them went to town on their treats, Sam on the sofa while the kids laid on the floor. Figuring they'd be busy for awhile, I headed into the kitchen and began getting out some ingredients. I really wanted to make something nice for them. Especially Sam, but I could barely stand with the waves of exhaustion washing over me at random times, so I hoped they'd all be okay with something simple again.

Having gotten everything out, I began cutting up the bell peppers as chicken simmered in a small pan with a bit of coconut oil, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. "Need help?" Before I even heard his question, I could smell that odd scent from before waft to my nose, overpowering the smell of the food with ease. I had to bite my lip hard to get the disturbing thoughts that swam through my mind out, adding a good shake of my head to be sure they were at bay.

"Sure. Can you finish cutting these while I make sure the chicken doesn't overcook?"

Asking him to watch the cooking was also a possibility but I knew he probably wasn't very skilled with it yet, so chopping stuff up was probably for the best. I thought it would also let me relax a little... Boy was I wrong. The second he cut his finger I had his hand in mine, grasping his wrist gently but tightly as my tongue danced along his miniscule wound. His faint intake of breath told me that I had caught him by surprise, and hell, I don't know why, but I couldn't pull away. My bear was nudging at the surface of my consciousness, rumbling to get out and do what?

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