14. Bad starts, happy ends

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Savannah's POV

I wake up feeling sweaty. Ew, it's the morning and I already feel like this. I look over at my phone and it's 12pm, damn I don't usually wake up this late. I also see that I have 4 messages waiting for me. Two from Callum last night and one from him this morning.

You need to make me cum xx


Hey, you good?

Same old, same old.

I've also got one text from Theo last night, I wonder what he wants.

I think we need to talk. Text me back when you read this.

I text him back saying I'm awake.

I hear a knock on the door, I'm guessing it's Theo. "It's open." My voice sounds rough as I'm finding it harder to push out words from my mouth.

My brother Adam walks in with a tray of soup and garlic bread. "Hey, thought you might be hungry." Just what I needed.

"Oh, thank you so much." I take the tray from him and start to dig in.

He sits at the edge of my bed, watching me eat. "How are you feeling now?"

"A bit rough, what happened?"

"Do you not remember?"

I midway stop placing a piece of bread in my mouth. "No, I can't remember a thing."

"Well I don't know clearly what happened but you were apparently in the bath for two hours and the temperature was boiling." I remember the events that happened last night and what occurred that put me in that situation in the first place. Tears start flooding down my face at the memory. There's a comforting hand rubbing my back. "Shh, hey, it's alright. Nothing bad happened. You're okay." If only he knew...

I wipe my tears away with my hands. "Yeah I know. Thanks for this but I think I need space, I don't want to eat anymore."

He gets off the bed, picks up my tray and starts to walk towards the door. "No worries sis. If you need anything just shout me."

I nod. Then he closes the door behind him as he walks out. I really am grateful I have a brother like Adam. Just his presence alone comforts me in so many ways. I shouldn't have ever betrayed him from the start, it was all for nothing. He doesn't deserve this.

I decide to have a shower so I can feel a lot cleaner. I get off the bed and support myself up. My legs fail to cooperate. I stretch out a bit and this helps so I head to the bathroom and open my bathroom door.

Every tiny memory floods back to me. It's like I'm having flashbacks, I can see myself looking into the mirror insulting myself then at the bath I can see the steam from the water coming off from my bright red body. What did I do? I mentally and physically abused myself. I'm surprised I haven't ran out of tears by now as they're continuously falling down my face.

I can't do this, the bathroom is suffocating me alive. I run out of my room completely, needing help. First thing I see is Adam's figure as he reaches the top of the staircase. "Adam." The word is forced out of my mouth but is barely a whisper.

He hears it however and turns around. "Come here." His arms are wide open, granting me into him. I wrap my arms around him, crying on his chest as I do so. At this point, I don't even know why I'm crying.

A few minutes later when my tears come to a stop, he pulls away. "Let's go to my room." He puts his arm around my shoulder and we head off to his room. We both sit down on his bed, I lay my head on his shoulder as he continues to rub my back. "Tell me what happened, why are you crying again?"

I swallow to clear my throat. "I wanted to have a shower but when I stepped into the bathroom I remembered what happened and it scared me, Adam."

"These things will happen but you'll get over it soon sis. Just take a shower in my bathroom, it looks different from yours."

"Okay I'll try to. Thank you for everything, Adam."

"Don't worry about it. I'll go now." He stands up and walks out the door.

I sigh as I take my second attempt to take a shower, he was right his bathroom is a lot different from mine. At the corner of the room, was a walk in shower with an over-sized shower head and a fluffy bath mat to compliment it. There's no bathtub here for my benefit.

After having my shower with no problems, I feel much better. Like a few worries have been washed away. After blow drying my hair my phone pings about a million times. Woah, what the hell is happening?

Group chat - Baes❤️

Can't believe the party is tonight!!!


Omg I know, show me what you're wearing.

Sent an image.


Thanks bae, show me yours.

Sent an image.

Wow! Model!

Says you!!!!! Thanks boo.

Shit, I forgot the party was today. I'm so glad it starts late and that I've just had a shower otherwise I would be panicking right now. I'm also glad that I've finally got a distraction to get my mind over the past day.

Hey girls, you both look so good.

Thanks babe. Are you going?


Show us what you're wearing.

Sent an image.


It looks gorgeous babe.

It's pink short dress with glitter all over it. A bold dress, a very bold dress. Rosanna bought me it for my last birthday and I haven't had a chance to wear it. Mainly because my parents would kill me and that I'm too shy to wear something as revealing as this. But my parents are not here now so they can't stop me.

It doesn't start until 9 so I've got a lot of time to myself. I'll start by telling Adam about the party. I walk downstairs and Adam is sat with Theo and Matt. This is the first time I've seen Theo ever since yesterday. I avoid all eye contact except for to Adam. I don't want to speak up too much. "Adam, can I talk to you for a bit in the Kitchen?"

He turns around and gets off the sofa and walks up with me to the kitchen. "Hey yeah, sure what's up? Was the shower okay for you?"

I smile. "Yes, thank you for that. There's a big college party today, can I go?"

"Savannah just because mum and dad aren't here doesn't mean you can start going out to parties."

"Oh my God, Adam it's only one. Please, it'll help me feel better."

"Alright, but I'll take you and pick you up." Guilt trip always works.

I hug him tightly. "Fine by me. Thank you!"

Excited, I run back upstairs and into my room. I'm so happy. Today started off as the worst night of my life and it's going to end as the best night of my life. Just wait and see...

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