Life As We Know It: Part 2

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Hailee's POV:

I'm currently in line ordering my food and my tea. I'm so nervous I'm shaking. Because what I'm about to do and say could change everything. I have been thinking about doing this for a month now and regretting not doing it sooner.

The truth is I have a massive crush on y/n and I honestly don't know if she feels the same way about me.

She has to though, right? I'm not crazy. There was definitely chemistry there.

But then again, she could have just been doing her job. Maybe she wasn't flirting and I took it the wrong way. Maybe I am overthinking everything. Does she even like girls?

But you'll never know until you try I guess.

Before I know it my food and drink are ready and I'm headed to the table where y/n is currently sitting. She's so stinking cute it's makes me smile. I sit down across from her with the dorkiest grin on my face and butterflies all in my stomach.

"So, I'm just gonna get straight to the point because I'm a nervous wreck and I just need to say it, is that okay?" I say

"Of course, what is it that you need to say?" She says

"I would you like to maybe hang out sometime?" I ask

"Uh, yeah sure. That'd be cool. When do you want to hang out?" She asks

"Would you be able to sometime this weekend? Maybe Saturday?" I ask

"That should work. I am not working that day so sounds good to me." She says with a grin.

"Is it just gonna be me and you or are you inviting some of your other friends?" She adds snacking on her breakfast

My stomach falls. I don't really know what to say because I want it to be a date but I didn't really make that clear and she doesn't seem to understand.

Do I clarify or just let her think it's a casual girl hang out. I decide to say something because I've been sitting in silence staring blankly at her for what seems like an eternity.

"Um, it's just gonna be you and me if that is okay. Sort of a thank you for taking such good care of me during my brief hospitalization." I say with a fake chuckle trying to hide the pain.

"It's no problem. Just doing my job." She says

My stomach is in so many knots right now. I feel like crawling up in a ball. Is that what she thinks. Just her job? Maybe I did over think the whole thing.

"Well, I better get going, I gotta head to work. I'm sure you have a pretty busy day ahead of yourself as well. I'll see you Saturday." She says as she is getting up from our table.

I stay seated not really knowing what to do or say in the moment.

"Oh, we should probably exchange numbers. That way I know where to meet ya and what not." She hands me her phone to type my number in and I hand her mine.

I hand her phone back to her and she walks out the door to her car. I stay seated still in shock and feeling like my heart just got ripped out of my body. I thought for sure that she felt the same way. I guess I was wrong.

Y/N's POV:

I get in my car and immediately bang on the steering wheel with my hands. I am such an idiot. Why did you say that! You just friend zoned her! Now she's gonna think that you don't like her. She was obviously trying to ask you out and you acted like a complete idiot. She's obviously upset about it. She would hardly look at you after you said that.

I am almost in tears when I see Hailee walking across the parking lot to her car. It's now or never. Life as we know it changes right here. Right now.

I get out of my car and walk towards her hoping to catch her before she leaves.

She's just about to get inside when I yell out "Hailee, wait up!"

She looks up with a confused face and then says "Y/N, I thought you already left?"

"I did. Well sort of. I was just sitting in my car thinking about how big of an idiot I am." I say

"What do you mean?" She says with the same confused look.

I take a deep breathe and say "Do you want Saturday to be a date?"

She just stands there and looks at me not sure what to say.

So I say, "Because I want Saturday to be a date. And I'm an idiot. I tried to friend zone you because I got nervous. And maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that's not what you were asking but that is what I want."

She is still standing there staring at me and not saying a single word.

"Will you please say something?" I beg

Before I can say anything else her lips meet mine. I immediately melt into the kiss and my heart feels like it is about to explode. She pulls away and says....

"That is exactly what I want too, I'll see you Saturday for our date." With that she gets in her car and drives off.

What the heck just happened? I'm going on a date with Hailee Steinfeld? Hailee Steinfeld just kissed me!!

I get in my car with the biggest smile on my face and the taste of her cherry lipgloss still on my lips. Life as we know it had definitely changed and I cannot wait to see where it goes. To work I go.

Author's Note:
I hope that was worth the wait. You all are awesome and I am so thankful you are enjoying the story. There is more where that came from. We are just getting started!! Until next time.
Stay tuned my loves 😉

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