Chapter- 2

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Mythili's POV -

The party was in full swing and thankfully, neither my mother nor father had come here looking for me. A few people here and there would make way while talking over the phone and then get back soon just as quickly once they are done to enjoy the party.

I, for one had found a small little dark place on the terrace. I could see everything going around but I doubt anyone could see me and I was thankful for this spot.

" When on earth will this end? I have been here for the past two and a half hours." I whined to myself and opened my phone to go on and read an article on inflation. It would definitely help me during writing the answers in exam.

" Papa is calling you inside." The little devil of my brother finally found me sitting there and announced before running away back inside.

I sighed, getting up and immediately knew what was coming. I had went on to do exactly what I had been asked not to.

I took a deep breath and made my way inside the banquet and located my family and almost took baby steps towards them hoping that somehow either they will disappear or I will. Unfortunately, nothing of that sort happened and I did reach them.

" And here she is, my lovely daughter." Dad announced as I went to stand next to him, plastering a smile that I had practiced for years, just for events like these.

" Namaste." I folded my hands in front of the woman standing in front of me.

She didn't say anything. Just gave me a small nod before turning her attention back to my parents. That's when I realized that she was the same woman, Malini Singh Rathore whom I was supposed to win over tonight.

" What is her name?" She asked my mother and pretended as if I wasn't standing there. I wanted to scoff but at the same time, I was also humored by their hypocrisy. After all, my father had just called me lovely.

" She is Mythili." Mom replied with the very fake smile as mine plastered.

" Let me introduce her to my son." She said scanning the hall until her eyes laid on a man who was talking to two other men. He was in a black three-piece suit and by the looks of it, had a glass of Whiskey in his left hand as he was casually taking a few sips. There was something on his face, so cold and so calculated that I couldn't bear to look at him for more than five seconds and I averted my eyes away from him.

By the reaction of my parents, it was pretty clear that we was making way to where we were standing. I still refused to look at that face and instead, found myself looking at my fingers fidgeting against each other.

" Mr. Kapoor, Mrs. Kapoor." His deep baritone rang in my ears and it made me force to look at him once and just as his deep brown orbs met mine, I looked away just as soon.

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