The Hotel

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The ride from the airport to the hotel is short and quiet

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The ride from the airport to the hotel is short and quiet. I pinch myself several times during the drive as I come back down to reality. Did I really just have sex with a stranger on a plane?

I pinch myself again because no way me, the girl who did not have her first kiss until she was 17, just had sex with a guy she knew for only a few hours. The girl who 11, ... well now 12, days ago had a boyfriend she would have sworn she was going to marry.

I am blaming the wine. There is no other explanation but the wine.

And my flight anxiety.

Yeah see, I did something so extremely out of character for me because I was drinking and clearly not thinking rationally.

Except I was thinking rationally.

From the second Isaiah walked in, without having spoken a single word to him, I already wanted him. Every fiber of my being wanted him in every way and I don't regret it. Even now as my brain tries to convince me I should feel some sort of guilt for what I did. That if my parents knew, they'd be wildly disappointed. I have not a single regret about letting a stranger do those things to me.

Correction, I have one regret actually. I wish I would have kissed him. His full lips were so soft on my skin and I desperately wanted to know what he tasted like.

I bet he tasted like the whiskey he was drinking but not in a gross way. Not in the way Jayden used to taste when he'd stumble into my room after a night out with his friends. A night I yet again wasn't invited to. No, Isaiah would taste like whiskey but in a way that would warm your body from the inside out as it craved more of him.

Maybe it was for the best that I didn't kiss him.

I have already thought about him more than I think I should have. I am not properly versed in one-night-stand etiquette but I am pretty sure you aren't supposed to stare longingly out the window of a car while thinking about said person once the night ends. I am almost certain Isaiah isn't still thinking about me. In fact I bet he is skipping around through the Maldives right now looking for the person lucky enough to use one of his remaining two condoms with.

I wonder if he will use the same pick up lines on them? He seemed sincere when he said them to me but my family did always say I was a touch naive. They blame all the reading I do for giving me a warped sense of reality. The three of them are more grounded in reality, while I am the wispy free spirited one who dots her 'I's with hearts.

I still remember my parents' lecture before I left for college about the realities of the world. They explained things like to me like I had never experienced them. Though to be fair, how were they supposed to know what I faced when I never had the courage to break their hearts and tell them. They thought our little community was so perfect and safe. But I remember my freshman year homecoming being asked to the dance by a boy, John Tyler, but being told we couldn't take pictures together before the dance because he didn't want to seem whipped to his friends. I remember running to my sister sobbing at the end of the day and her not seeming surprised by it. My parents thought our lack of dating before college was due to us focusing on our studies. We let them believe that because they truly thought they were doing what was best for us living in the neighborhood we lived in.

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