Chapter 9

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Hello guysss!! What's up public? Still on clouds because of yesterday's IND VS PAK? I'm still pumped all because of VIRAT KOHLI 🧿🧿❤️❤️. The ultimate King!! Can't believe one man can bring smile on billions of people.☺️☺️

Happy Diwali guyss!! May this Diwa bring loads of happiness, success and good health in your lives.🌟🌟❤️❤️

Early update on occasion of Diwali!

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Everyday is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start your day.


Today's day went really great. I had so much fun hanging out with Sameer and his gang. Obviously the main reason was that I got to spend time with Shruti.

Best part about us was our conversation never really stopped. It just went on from one topic to another. Be it work or other things. Conversations which just moves freely from one topic to other is best kind.

I thought of messaging her. We can meet tomorrow. For dinner maybe. It won't be fast right?

Of course not, you are to get married. My inner mind spoke.

Me: Hey what's up?

Within a minute or so she replied.

Shruti: Just got done with dinner. What about you?

Me: Same though today's dinner was all of Kabir dada's favourites because he had one complicated surgery and he did it successfully which isn't new.

Shruti: aw, someone's sad. Be happy, your brother saved someone's life today:)

Me: of course I am happy for him. But at least mom could have make one thing which I like. Kabir dada's and I have complete opposite likings.

Shruti: okay so what do you like to eat Mr. Kanitkar?

Me: Chinese anything. Also fav sweet ukdiche modak.🤌🏻😋

(Ukdiche modak are dumplings filled with coconut and jaggery

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(Ukdiche modak are dumplings filled with coconut and jaggery. Sweet. Super delicious. Specially made on occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, festival of lord Ganesh.)

Shruti: Not fair. Now you have taken full care that my today's dream would be about ukdiche modak. I want to eat it right now.

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