Chapter 144 - They Came, They Saw, And They Want To Conquer Pt. 5

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As the crowd disperses, the Emperor, together with both the Empress and the Queen, is being escorted by the highest order of knights called the Silver Wings. The Silver Wings are composed of elite men who work directly under the Emperor. It wasn't a secret that they exist but their group is discreet. They are not completely transparent to the public eyes and neither their practiced values and roles.

They are like the Emperor's personal mercenary who covers both intelligence and brute-work. Two of those elite knights who were escorting them are Nathaniel and Eon, both were diligently doing their duties. Lukas was the captain of these so-called knights but the majority of them still don't know that, and that includes those two as well.

Marquis Leon was also with them. As the head of the senate and the Emperor's trusted confidant, he had to stay and discuss the whole situation with him.

They were on their way to the main palace where the Emperor resides. That's what was said but in truth, he is actually living with his Empress.


Kael had to talk with Leon and Ezekiel so his destination was towards the royal study. That meant that the two women had to go their separate ways either.

The Empress looked up at her husband.

"Don't push yourself too hard, your Majesty," she reminded him, the worry evident in her voice-- "Both of you as well," she said this towards her son and brother.

"Thank you, mother," Ezekiel replied.

The Emperor pulled her closer to him for a chaste kiss, despite having an audience, before letting her go. He then turned towards the royal attendants.

"Escort the Empress and the Queen to their palace safely," he commanded.

Afterward, he turned on his heel and started walking away with the prince and the marquis in tow, leaving all of them to their own devices.

Yulia looked at Regina for the second time that night and smiled at her warmly. She was being genuine with it, although it was their first time to meet after a long long while. After all, Regina had shut herself in her castle for almost 10 years now, ever since her child died at childbirth.

She had been trying to reach out to her countless times before, to sympathize with her, but all of her invites were turned down. Either she receives a returned letter, or one of her ladies-in-waiting would go in her stead. Now, after being away from everyone's eyes for years, she finally showed herself.

"Queen Regina, it has been so long since the last time you graced us with your presence. It's just a pity that it had been cut short because of this incident," Yulia uttered with an open heart.

Regina returned her smile with her own, "Indeed. I was really looking forward to tonight but oh well... It can't be helped," and heaved a disappointed sigh.

"Since it's like this, I would like to invite you to tea in the garden sometimes. If it's fine with you," Yulia offered.

"If that's what Her Majesty wants then I'll be more than glad to accompany you," Regina humbly replied.

Yulia beamed at her before finally going on her own way. Nathaniel and Eon were escorting her back to her palace while Regina gracefully bowed on the retreating figures of Kael and Yulia before turning to leave as well.

As they finally approached her own palace, the sweet smile she was sporting all this time fell off her lips. Her mask cracked, showing Regina's true nature.

"Tsk. That damn woman... She's clearly looking down on me, isn't she?" She whispered in vehemence, her fists clenching so tightly that her nails dug themselves on her delicate palms.

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