3🌸 Nincompoop

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Sara's morning bustle gained momentum as 7:35 am approached, finding her half-awake self rushing to gather belongings, determined not to be late for university and avoid another class spent standing outside, she moved swiftly.
"Sah, don't rush, take it easy. Don't miss out on your breakfast, sweetie!" her granny said while preparing her breakfast table.
"In no time, the classes will start! Prof. Reth will kick me out of his class like last time if I reached late...!" Sara said, taking a slice of bread from the table and stuffing a big chunk of it into her mouth.

She was running like a maniac in the corridor, making her way to class, panting and huffing when she got Ishan's call.
"Where the hell are you, Sah!? I gave you thousands of calls to wake you up, but you didn't pick! Were you sleeping, or were you dead! " Ishan shouted.
"Stop shouting, you'll make my ears bleed!" she said, breathless.
"Wait...why are you- don't tell me you are running like a psycho! That's why I told you that I'll pick you! But nooo you and your overconfidence." he nagged.

Silent relief turned into an unexpected encounter as Sara, glancing into the classroom, discovered she was on time. Ecstatic, she rushed forward but collided with a strong figure, sending her and her belongings sprawling. Frustration in her voice, she scolded the person, pushing him aside after regaining composure.

"WHAT THE HECK! Can't you see!? You Nincompoop!" Sara's relief dissolved into confusion as she noticed the terrified expressions of her classmates. Turning around, she faced Nazareth, whose cold stares sent a chill down her spine. Biting her lower lip in disgust, she found herself in an unexpected and tense situation.
Why! Why! Why did I say that?! Why!
I felt myself burying in the ground. I can't stand this No! No Way! I know he will fail me in every possible way in every exam. He will put me in jail. He will ruin my career, my short life, my existence! He'll churn everything.
Not only will he throw me out of the class but from this university too!
Sara... You're gone. He had heard everything...! She thought to herself.
My habit of speaking like a screwball will definitely one day screw up my life, too.
Sara shivers from top to bottom as she bowed in front of him, joining her hands and begging for forgiveness multiple times, but he didn't speak a word. His eyes were filled with aggression, and his veins were clearly showing on his neck as he was trying to control his anger as much as possible, while Sara's heartbeat started to race.
"S-S-Sorry, Prof! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to. I didn't know you were there!" Sara says, standing on the verge of crying.
"Get- Inside- Of The Class." He says in a controlled tone, maintaining his composure.
"I didn't mean to call you a nincompoop! Seriously, I never thought of you that way!"
"Will you stop saying this word repeatedly and get inside!" he says slowly, gritting his teeth.
"Y-Y-Yeah!" Saying this, she rushes inside.
His words struck Sara with the intensity of a piercing blade, leaving an unmistakable ache in her chest.
NINCOMPOOP, Really!? Calling me with names! That too right on my face!? I hate this kid! I HATE this kid! Nazareth shouted in his brain as he glared at her.
These students have decided to ruin my sanity! Calm the hell down! Calm! Relax...take a deep breath. He told himself while breathing in and out.

Sara quickly ran to take her seat.
"Do you have a death wish or what! What were you doing outside?" Ishan asks in a low tone.
"But I didn't know he was standing right in front of me! He will kill me for sure...!" she says while banging her head on the desk.
"You're a dumb head for sure! Now stop doing this. Your empty head will crack open." Ishan says as he places his hand between her forehead and the desk.

Nazareth enters the class, opens the smart board, and starts with his lecture while keeping his iPad on the table.
"So class, opening to page number 26, and let's start from where we left yesterday." Says Nazareth as he flips the pages.
Sara starts looking at Ishan's book to check if he had jotted down any notes from yesterday, but like always, he slept sleeping with open eyes and didn't focus the whole class. She then taps at Nia's shoulder to ask in whisper for a little brief for yesterday's class when Nazareth's notices them both.
"Will you guys stop disturbing the class!?" Nazareth says in a rough tone.
"Ah..Prof, I was asking for yesterday's notes since I missed the class."
"And why did you miss the class?" He asks while raising his one eyebrow.
"Because you haven't let me sit," she replied.
"And why did I do so?"
"Because I got late..." She says in a low tone, capturing everyone's attention.
"So why are you troubling to the ones who had been punctual." He replied coldly.
"But... I'm also one of your students, you should be considerate to me as well!" She replies as she stands up.
"Before that, you should be considerate about coming on time, Miss..?"
"Sara! Sara Roy." She answered.
"Miss Sara Roy, people like you who can't value their time never appreciate its worth." He says strongly.
"But Prof--"
"Can you stop talking like a Macaw and sit down." He says in an acidic tone, making every student laugh at her.
"Sah! Please, for god's sake, sit down..! I'll explain to you after this.." Ishan whispers while pulling her hand.
Frustrated and annoyed, Sara took her seat, realizing arguing with Nazareth would be futile. Nodding in agreement with Nia's earlier characterization of him as a narcissist, she shot him a dead stare, silently expressing her discontent.
Sara was roaming in the corridor after the day's classes got over when she saw Nazareth coming out from the department heading to somewhere and watching him she got reminded of her morning's insult.
Roaming the corridor after classes, Sara spotted Nazareth emerging from the department. The memory of the morning's insult flooded back, and she watched him, recalling the frustration from earlier in the day.
"Let's go." Says Ishan while looking at his phone as he holds her hand.
"Wait, let's go to the parking lot." She says while Ishan looked at her with puzzled expression.
Instead of replying to him, she drags him along with her to the parking lot and stops in front of a particular car.
"It's that one, I'm sure!" She says while observing a black, Skoda Kodiaq, a stunning massive looking SUV.
"What are we doing here?" Asks Ishan, but she didn't reply.
"Give me your bike's key." Sara asks when Ishan handed her the keys while looking at her in confusion.
Taking the sharp edge of his key chain, she scribbles NINCOMPOOP at the hood of the car, which made Ishan astonished. She didn't just stop here, and while looking around a bit she got hold of a small block of broken brick and used it to break the headlight of the car and the moment the theft alarm ran, they quickly ran away.
Duh! Act like Mr. All perfect..now spend on making your car perfect! She thought as she smirked.

"W-What! You ruined his car! That Nazi! he'll-he'll kill us!" Ishan says in a shivering tone while Sara gives him a wink.
"Nothing will happen. He'll never get to know we did it." Says Sara in a chilled tone.
"We!? It's you damn!"
It was when they heard somebody's footstep as they ran away from the car seeing Nazareth and Avi approaching. Sara laughed, envisioning the hurtful expression Nazareth would wear upon seeing his expensive car in its current state.

Approaching his car, Nazareth's eyes widened at the disarray. Scanning the surroundings, he tried to discern who could have been responsible for the chaotic state of his vehicle.
"Who did this!?" Nazareth says with a shock.
Sara burst into laughter, clutching her stomach uncontrollably. Despite Ishan's reluctance, she decided to approach Nazareth, dragging him along for what seemed like an impending catastrophe.
"What happened, Prof? Ah! Oh my lord! Who did this to your car!?" Sara says while pretending to be innocent.
Reading the abbreviation, Nazareth understood the likely culprit and sighed, scratching his forehead. Sara anticipated his big reaction, but to her surprise, someone else burst out with a loud reaction in his place.
"Oh-my-god! Who-Who! Who did this to my rebecka!" Shouts Avi, who was coming from the back, crooning and tossing the keys playfully.
Both Sara and Ishan looked at Avi and then Nazareth in shock while Sara could feel the earth slipping beneath her footsteps.
"Miss Sara.. it's not my car." Nazareth says, bringing her out from her happy dream.
"Hainn!?" Sara managed to say.
Shit!! I'm gone!! Sara curses herself in her head.
"Thanks to you guys, I had to leave my car for a little repair and happened to do the car poll with him. He's the owner. We just have the same model." Nazareth clears Sara's doubt.
"The dash cam might have captured that defiant's face! I'll file a complaint ! I need the freaking cops here to know who did this to her! " Avi says in a provoking tone, which scared Sara and Ishan.
"No, no, no! What's the need of that Avi, sir? You see, we all are students here. All this cops incidence will create a mess." Ishan tries to convince while Sara nodded her head desperately.
"The dash cam wasn't on, by the way. And it's okay Avi it might have been done by a student only. Forget about all this. Cops will unnecessarily scare everyone." Nazareth tries to make Avi agree, and after a lot of convincing, he finally agrees.
Nazareth guides Avi to sit inside, while Avi, shocked and sensitive due to the damage, can't believe his eyes.
After making Avi sit inside, Nazareth tells Sara, 'Better not do this again,' freezing her in fear.
He knows!! She thought.

The next day, Nazareth arrived at the university following a call from an unknown number. The purpose of the call became clearer as events unfolded.
"Yeah... Yeah... I'll join from November. Okay." Nazareth hung up and, opening a drawer, retrieved an envelope. He proceeded toward the dean's office.
"The dean has already left. Is it anything important, Sir?" says the peon.
"No... nothing much," he said slowly.
What kind of a university is this...! In the age of technology, they demand registrations on paper and follow the stereotypical procedures...Huh! Don't know when will I handle this resignation. He thought while coming back to his department.

Sara was in the middle of a class when a peon summoned her to the admission department. She didn't know what the issue was, so she simply followed the peon to the admin department.
"Miss Roy, we have a little problem with your scholarship." says the administrator.
"What's that....?" Sara looked confused.
"Your St Patrick's Nest Scholarship Program results indicate a 46% score, granting you a 40% scholarship, not the full 100%. Consequently, you'll be responsible for covering the remaining amount."

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