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Who will give this explorer the directions

To the valley of blooming self awareness

If even one of those stars above extinguish their

oh so 'meagure' torches of experienced wisdom?

Who will show her the trenches below,

If the lamp in her hand,

Illuminating her world, except his own

Refuses to burn anymore?

Who will give her the will

Each day, to get up again,

To heal and forget the hurts and scars,

If the sun stops visiting every morning?

Who will show her the strength

If the moon stops healing herself?

If she too gets tired 

Of dying and being born all over again?

Who will show her resilience in weakness

If the candle flame surrenders

To the gusts and blows

And accepts defeat by the darkness?

Perhaps she has engraved the constellations of all those stars

Which have, or will one day, rest in peace forever.

Perhaps when the lamp will start dimming,

She'll pour in oil, make ammends, to make it an eternal flame.

Perhaps when the sun and moon stop shining,

She'll believe in god that it's the new moon or an eclipse,

Impermanent darkness before the light swallows it whole.

And before the candle is martyred

she'll light one, inextinguishable, within herself.


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