Chapter 34.

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"RIANA'S BORED," I announce to the room. "She's pacing in circles and it's giving me a migraine."

"Oh, it sure does suck," Blaze lamented. "Stefano's doing the same thing. If only I could sucker punch him out of my head."

"If I help you, will you help me?" I moaned in annoyance and hugged my throw pillow.

"Kick your wolf's butt? Sure!"

Blaze quickly positioned himself face-down on the couch. "You can start anytime now," his voice muffled by the cushions. Patting the back of his head, "just hit here."

I clambered over to the pile of jet-black hair. "Your hair looks so soft and silky can I touch it?" I asked, mesmerised by the colour, or lack thereof.

"You can touch my hair as much as you want after you get rid of that wolf. He's pissing me off!"

I sighed at his impatience, "if you're going to be that ungrateful, I suppose I don't have to help you after all..."

"I'm sorry! Please. Just get him out. Punch me. Do whatever you need!" Blaze begged as he buried his face deeper into the pillow.

"Fine." I raised my arm and positioned my fist to its target. Three, two–

"Hey! What are you doing?" I struggled as two beefy arms pulled me back. "I have to help Blaze!"

"You think you're helping him by punching him? He's asking for a whole lot of pain and a big bump on his head," James' breath against my ear made me shiver as he chuckled. "You'll have plenty of opportunities in the future to punch the guy."

"Fine. I'll be expecting that punch in the near future." I huffed.

"But what about my head?" Blaze wailed in disappointment. "Stefano is annoying Satan out of hell!"

"Satan out of hell?" I shook my head in confusion and disbelief. How does this guy even come up with this stuff?

Fynn strode into the room, shrugging off his jacket before throwing it onto a nearby chair. "I don't even want to know," he sighed in mock disappointment.

My jaw drops as I gesture to myself and Blaze, trying to convey it's not me at fault here.

Ignoring me, Fynn proceeded to strip off his shirt. My eyes naturally drew to his tight muscles as they contracted. "Ummm, are we having a strip fest now?"

"You wish," he rolled his eyes. "We're going for a run."


Fynn stared me down as he flung his arms. "Of course, we're running naked. It's our pack's fetish. We love having our ding-dongs flailing about!"

"We don't have ding-dongs."

Nor do we have a running naked fetish.

James chuckled. "What sarcastic Fynn meant is we're going for a pack run in our wolf forms. He figured it'd take some stress off the pack."

Liam, who stood by the wall of the living room, pouted. "But I like running nude. The jiggling butt cheeks," he sighed dreamily.

My nose scrunched as I rapidly blinked away the imaginary picture of the jiggling. I had no desire to see anybody's lower cheeks. No thank you.

Like always, James took control of the situation. "We'll go our separate ways and meet at the clearing in 10 minutes. In our wolf forms. No human butt cheeks."

Why isn't James the alpha of this pack? The current one's delinquent! I thought as I trudged to my room.

Fynn is not delinquent. Turning to look beside me, I'm met with James' amber gaze. I shrink as I realise I had forgotten to block my thoughts, meaning the entire pack heard my announcement – Fynn included. Fynn's a hundred times stronger than the rest of us – not including you – combined. The only thing the Empress failed to perfect in him was his personality.

My brief bout of shame quickly disappeared as I scoffed. "Obviously."

Give him some leeway. He's usually only like this with strangers. He'll get over it, James mentally projected his thoughts into my head before he closed the door to his bedroom.

I considered James' last words as I continue towards my room. My eyes widened as I recognised my emotions. Of everything I felt, I was most hurt by the blunt evidence that Fynn treats me like a stranger.



I'm so sorry for not posting last week, even when I said I'd post a chapter by Wednesday! I've been drowning in a buttload of schoolwork and deadlines. Not to mention, exams are in two weeks, and I'm not prepared!

It breaks my heart to announce this, but you guys deserve to know. For the next month, I most likely won't be able to post anything (due to exams).

In the meantime, I recommend you read Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. It's a really good sci-fi dystopian book with elements of Chinese history.

This wolf is sorry,


Chapter 35: 17december2022 (if you guys aren't leaving me 😭, mark this date somewhere)

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