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Karan wakes up ....

K:teju teju get up

She snuggled more into him

K:teju get up u have to take ur medicines

She opens her eyes ... Somewhat she was confused about what exactly happened to her but she remembered some things like dr. Km and kad were there in room

T:what happened last night

K:what...nothing.....r u well now

K:its due to the cold u wait I ll bring tea .. Firstly u take this medicine u ll feel better

By giving medicine he goes out of the room to bring tea

In kitchen

Km:yes sunny..
Km:yeah I'm making and teju??..
K:she has woken up ..I ll give her tea u give it to me ...
Km okay...

After sometime karan goes in room ..
Teju was in bed and covered herself with blanket
She was still shivering

K:what happened.... Still cold?
K:have u taken medicine

Then karan make her drink the tea

T:come near me...I want a hug

He goes in a blanket and hugs her

She encircles his chest with her finger
T:r u still upset with me
She looks at him
T:means u r

Then y u r pampa ring me only because I m sick

K:teju I think u should rest I need it
T:no I'm talking about something (in anger)

He caresses her neck

K:look teju I want want to fight with u anymore ...whatever happened let it be... Let forget it...I can't take risk of ur health last night I did the the mistake but from now it will not happen...

T:means u have forgiven me , right?
K:no.... U have scratch the imp moments of my life for that I can never forgive u.....but I ll definitely try to forget it...

T:sunny a relationship we can go forward only we forgive the other...
K:teju u need rest ...wait I ll bring break fast
T:no ,,no need I ll bring it by my self

She gets up from the bed ..and covered herself with the shawl and walk out of the room in disappointment

Karan dotted silently evaluating their conversation

Teju sees km working in kitchen ...she goes to her
Km looks at her but didn't react
Km:hmm...while doing her work

T:do u need any help
Km:no ..u go and rest in ur room

Teju feels awkwardness amd was not having any clue why she was not talking properly

T:no I will help u to prepare break fast

Km:teju u r u well ...no need to help I ll do it

She tries to work...

Km: teju can't u understand what I m saying(angryly)
Or I r not well u know I ll never let u do this ..then y u want to force me to be angry on u

Meanwhile by her voice kd and karan comes..

Km:or u want to portray me wrong ..that I m asking my daughter in law to work when she is sick during her pregnancy. ..... Like I do it with my son by assuming that he ll do something to ur baby

All were shock as this was the first time they all sawa km this angry
Teju was on edge of crying
K and kd (what the hell is going on here......full confusion)

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Tejran , Endearing X HumbleWhere stories live. Discover now