Chapter 7

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Hayley pov

Once I got there, I banged on the door with my fist. I couldn't believe my brother had to ask someone to babysit me at nineteen. Did he not trust me? Austin opens the door with messy hair and no shirt on. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He says, still waking up."Sorry, I woke you. Is Gray here?" "yea, but now's not a good time."  "Aww, thanks, but I don't need an invitation" I help myself inside because no one will stop me from confronting my brother. I walked upstairs to his room, expecting him to be asleep, but he wasn't. Instead, I found him thrusting inside some puck bunny while she loudly moaned. A horror of disgust and embarrassment goes through my body. "I'm---" My brother looks up and jerks out of her real fast "Hayley, get out now!" I nod. "I'll be downstairs. Let me know when you're done, and I like your hair." The blonde nods and doesn't seem embarrassed, more like mad. "Hayley out!" I nod and wait downstairs for them to finish.

     "So you saw?!" Austin holds back laughter "mhmm, I feel like an idiot," he hands me a mug of coffee and sits " Don't be. It's not your fault that your brother is kind of a man-whore." I put my hand to my face and laugh a little "I just saw him naked I'm not sure I'm ever going to recover." He laughs. "Why are you here anyways?"  "because Gray decided to get Emily to babysit me after my drunk video came out. I know he's trying to help, but I'm not a child. I don't want Briar to be like Boston. " Austin grins and sips his coffee. "Do you want to know what I think?" I nod. "I think you're doing fine on your own. You have to believe in yourself," I smile. "Thanks." 

Seconds later, the blonde storms out and glares at me. "Goodbye, homewrecker!" I'm beyond confused at this point. Gray comes downstairs in his PJs. "I tried to tell her your my sister, but she didn't listen," Austin pats him on the back "wow, you know how to pick 'em" " ha-ha," he says sarcastically. Gray turns his head to me " is there any reason why you had to barge into my room and interrupt the most mind-blowing orgasm I was about to have" now I'm pissed " You got me a babysitter and told her I couldn't leave my dorm. "Oh yeah, I totally did that," he says with a cocky grin. "Why!?" "Um, In case you haven't realized, you're viral on campus. I'm trying to protect you and our family's reputation because you were stupid enough to get drunk on camera!" I stand up and get in his face. "Like you haven't done anything stupid on camera before," Gray gets angry " You don't care about our family or anyone else. You only care about yourself!" "Do you hear yourself right now, or is your ego too big for you to hear? All mom and dad talk about is you playing hockey while I have to sit and watch you shine in the stands repeatedly! Austin stands up. "Ok, we get it. You both are angry at each other." I give a glare to Grayson and then storm out. 

I decided to drive to the rink and clear my head because how dare Grayson say I don't care about my family. I've always supported him, from the first time he put on skates to winning his high school playoff championships. I enter the arena. I wonder how many times my dad's name was screamed from the stands and how many times my brother's name will be after, but this isn't about them. This is about me trying to live my life with my name, not some legacy I was born into. Luckily no one is on the ice, just a few people walking by. I get a pair of skates and double-knot them, so they don't fall off.  Stepping on the ice feels terrific, like I'm back home. I plug on my AirPods and play Come clean by Hillary Duff. I glide on the ice like a bird flying through the sky. I did a single axel, some transitions, and ended it with a sit spin. I feel free from the real world.

Braylen pov

I exit the locker room after the much-needed shower because despite playing hockey. I still can't get Hayley off my mind, but I think I finally got my mind off her. Walking past the rink, I see her, shit there goes my boner again. Luckily she is in her own world, so she doesn't see me as she skates around the ice. I feel compelled to watch her. She's so beautiful when she doesn't talk. I see what the press says about her, that she's the golden girl that could light up a room. When she's figure skating, she doesn't seem like the fake girl I see on screens. She's real.

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