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Cabin fever was really setting in to his little Daisy, which was surprising because he knew she lived the life of a hermit prior to prison. He wished there was more he could do to ease her restlessness but evidently, he was limited to changing from bottom to top bunk and walks around the same brick walls over and over again.

He didn't mind though, because he loved hearing her timid ramblings as the walked the halls. It gave Seth a glimpse into their future - both elderly and white haired, having their early morning walk to stretch their legs to they don't go unused, gossiping about their neighbours.

His hand clutched hers tighter at the happy thought. The soft brown hair was dancing in the air, the heavy wind blowing past them as she absentmindedly walked on the tables outside - the different level gave her some variation she had said.

"I love the fresh air," she sighed, closing her eyes with pure bliss on her face. Seth looked up at her, the blue sky reminding him why he called her his angel.

"You having a good time?" He asked, placing a kiss on her hand and paying no attention to the other prisoners around the yard.

Daisy nodded and proceeded to carefully jump off the table with his help. "I wish we could go out though."

Despite them being outside already, he knew she meant out. It would be years before he could leave the prison walls legally and selfishly, he was dreading the day Daisy would be granted the privilege to leave him.

"Guess you'll be a little jealous of me then?" Owen had walked to them, excitement coming off him in tonnes. Shaking with happiness rather than the usual fear and anxiety whenever he was around anyone but Daisy. "I'm leaving! I'm out, finally!" This made Seth scoff at the timing the guy had. Now he would have to deal with cheering his girlfriend up while she denies she's upset. The girl was very obvious in her emotions, despite what she might think.

"W-what? When?" Seth didn't know whether to awe at her sad little voice or to be jealous that she would miss her old cell mate. But, he pushed back the latter. He loved that she wore her heart on her sleeve and felt every brief friendship so strongly.

He told Daisy not to be upset, while an aura of sadness came off her. Which she denied, of course Though it was normal in prison life for friends to go in and out regularly, he could understand how it'd be difficult for her, especially with it being her first time losing a friend to freedom.

"In a bit. I have to pack my stuff and do some paperwork or something. But I can NOT wait. Daisy, I get to see my girlfriend again," Owen enthusiastically exclaimed. He looked like he was about to cry from happiness and it strangely made Seth respect him more. Perhaps he would've felt the opposite before meeting his angel.

Speaking of which, she did a little clap in excitement, clearly forgetting her own sadness at the sight of her friends happiness. "Oh- oh goodness! That's so fun. I hope you do lots of activities together."

Seth put a light hand on the small of her back and pushed her towards the soon to be released prisoner. "Well give him a hug and let him get going, Angel." He said encouragingly. He knew it was what his sweet girl would want to do but was too shy to say goodbye to her friend properly, and Owen definitely wouldn't risk initiating contact. This was evident from the bewildered, questioning look he received.

He laughed lightly and gave a nod of confirmation. The friends hugged each other warmly, of course with Seth watching the guy closely. He was relieved that of all the people Daisy could've gotten as a first cellmate, it was the young boy that was devoted to his long term girlfriend.

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