Chapter XXXV

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The weekend had come by faster than expected and Rumi was more than excited.. this was going to be her first sleep over ever!

"Mommy my hair!" Rumi excitedly squeals walking into Beyoncé and Onika's room, a comb in hand.

"I'm coming." Nicki sighed out adjusting on the bed which she couldn't really get up from since both women were nude under there- Beyoncé sleeping like a log of wood.

The small girl sighed out exasperatedly trudging out the room to her older sister's room.

"Blue blue?" She asked peeking the door open to see Blue already up watching YouTube videos on her iPad.

The girl didn't seem to hear her as she had her head phones in, so Rumi carefully walked into the room silently closing the door behind her.

She walked up to the bed tapping her sister's leg making the older girl jump back a bit not expecting the younger girl to be there.

"Yeah?" She asks taking off her head phones, pausing the video.

"Can I watch with you?" Rumi asks not even waiting for a reply before climbing into the bed besides her sister.

"I guess...?"

"So what are we watching?" Rumi asks looking at the screen.

"Cinderella." Blue states pulling out her head phones so they could both watch it together.

"What's it about?"

"Just watch and see." Blue liked the film so much she didn't want to be interrupted while watching it.

She sometimes felt like Cinderella, there were bad people in her life and she got her prince charming to save her from them... now she was just waiting on her own prince charming..

...or maybe a king?


"What should I wear mama?" Rumi asks Beyoncé holding two outfits in front of her..

A pink dress and A purple one.

Both women- Beyoncé and Onika- we're trying to match the girls excitement not wanting to bring down her mood though they were getting tired of the hyper active child jumping up and down.

"The purple, didn't you say that was her favorite color?"

"Yeah! You're right." She says walking back into the walk-in closet to drop the pink dress and change into the purple one.

"Mama do I look cute?" Rumi asks doing a little twirl.

Beyoncé drops her phone keeping her undivided attention on the girl, "Of course, you always look cute."

"Even more than Sir?" She asks again eyeing the outfit, making Beyoncé raise a brow at the question.

"You both always look cute, so..." She really didn't know how to reply to that. "Why'd you ask that?"

"No reason." She says walking out the room.

Sometimes Beyoncé just found it hard to understand the girl, she was so weird in so many ways but still managed to win the hearts of so many people- her included.


Rumi couldn't stop jittering, it was almost seven o'clock and she was more than excited to hang out with her friend.

All four kids were watching 'the proud family' in the living room when they heard the doorbell ring.

Nicki walked to the door to answer, Rumi following behind a big smile plastered on her face as she already guessed it was Alexis.

"Hi." Onika greeted the woman on the other side of the door, Rumi immediately tuned out their conversation looking for Alexis.

The girl was standing behind her mother admiring the foyer of the house.

"Hi!" The little girl jumps back clutching her chest..

"Stop. Don't do that again Rumi, you scares me!" Alexis says to Rumi who just stood there with a guilty smile on her face.


"It's okay." Rumi soon takes Alexis hand to take her into the house as she sees both parents ending conversation.

"Bye baby, I'll pick you up in the morning." Alexis mom says placing a peck on her daughter's cheek. "Bye Rumi."

"Bye mommy." "Bye miss."


"You're house is so nice!" Alexis squeals as she walks into the house hand in hand with Rumi.

Nicki leaves the kids to play for awhile as she goes to get started on dinner.

Sir walks up to them with Papa trailing behind him, "Hi Sir." Alexis blushes again, it was beginning to annoy Rumi.

"Hello." The little boy smiles thinking that he'd like to play with them, last time they couldn't because of Rumi's little overprotective self.

Papa just smiles walking up to the girl to touch her face, "Uhh.. you're so cute." Alexis giggles making Papa do the same.

"Let's watch movies!" Sir excitedly says.

"No.. we're playing dollies." Rumi dismisses the idea "and no you can't come, boys don't play with dollies."

"I don't mind, we could have a tea party then watch movies."


"Sounds like a plan." Alexis interjects walking close to Sir as he leads her to his shared bedroom with his sister.

Rumi just rolls her eyes trailing behind them.

She didn't know how she was going to deal with this all night.


I told y'all to comment for an early update. But y'all didn't.

I had like only 4 comments so yeah... Y'all got a late update.

Deal with it. 🙃

P.s. Shout out to the one's who bothered to comment.

Next update will be whenever... I got exams 💀

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