Happy birthday, Natalia

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I look up at the clock, hand cramping as I finish writing a letter for my girlfriend. The time reads 11:50 December 2nd, Natasha's birthday is in ten minutes. I've only ever asked her once what she would like to do for her birthday and she said she wanted to spend it with me since she never really cared for her birthday. I thought it was sweet but I still went to Bucky so he could help me plan a small hangout for her.

Using my powers, I take a peek into nat's room to see what she's doing. The redhead sits at the small desk in her room in front of her laptop, typing away at what I'm guessing is some mission report. There's a solem smile on her face and a half empty bottle of vodka and two shot glasses sitting on the table. I smile to myself, her ability to always put a smile on my face making me even more grateful for her.

I quietly walk downstairs to check on Bucky and the rest of the team. There are all sorts of gifts and bags favorite things decorating the many tables around the room. "Five minutes kid, you ready?" Bucky smiles at me comfortingly. As much as I think Natasha would love this,a part of me can't help but feel nervous. Natasha hates making things about her and I'm worried I overstepped with this party. I push down my worries and look at the time, giving the room a final once over and quietly walking upstairs. I silence my steps with my powers as I approach Nats door, since her back is facing the door is beach up behind her as the clock strikes 11:59. I smirk when I notice she's stopped typing, noticing something is wrong.

"NATTY!" I jump up behind her as the redhead jumps slightly in surpise. "черт возьми, черт возьми, я убью тебя" she curses, turning around in her chair to face me. I laugh and sit in her lap, seeing her lips curl up in a smile. "Did I scare you?" I chuckle softly, cupping her face in my hands "a little bit" she admits sweetly. I take a deep breath, looking into her eyes, my smile never fades as I look at her. God those eyes. I could stare at them forever, I could stare at her forever and never get tired. I look at the clock behind us, 12:00 am December 3rd. "What is it детка?" She whispers. I waste no time and crash my lips into hers, taking her by surprise. I pour all my love for her into that kiss, all the times she's made me feel seen and safe, loved and cared for. After a minute she pulls away and I grin. "Happy birthday Natasha."

Natasha laughs and pulls me into a bear hug, effectively squeezing all the air out of my lungs but I couldn't care less. "I love you so much malysh." She whispers into the hug. I tap on her shoulder to let her know that I'm running out of air and she lets go. "Comon take a shot with me nat, we have a party to go to." I smile and stand up, pouring us both shots as Natasha looks with questioning eyes. "Party?" She raises an eyebrow. I look to the side awkwardly as she stands in front of me. "Mhm, me and Bucky planned a party for you." She smirks and bangs the shot on the table before downing it. "You we're supposed to wait but ok." I roll my eyes playfully and take the shot.

"Wait I have to do something" she says and steps into the bathroom, I sit down and bounce my leg a bit, not wanting to keep the others waiting. Soon enough she gets out.

"Cara mia. You look amazing." I smile in awe, she looks perfect. Somehow she managed to do her makeup and put on a long black dress while doing her hair. Natasha blushes as I stand up and kiss her palm.

The elevator doors open and music drowns my ears, Bucky pulled through and made the deck look lavish and beautiful for the party. As soon as Tony sees us he smiles and announces "Natasha romanoff everyone." He points to the evelator doors as we step out hand in hand. Everyone's eyes are on her as she walks up to stark and Bucky. "Happy birthday rushman, your gift is me, your welcome." Tony says as he leans in for a hug and Natasha laughs "after all these years your still a dick." Bucky comes up next "happy birthday Natalia, and to many more." He smiles genuinely, I think this is the first time I've seen Bucky smile.

It's been a few hours and everyone is enjoying the party, yelena showed up a few hours ago, apologizing for being late as she had to round up a certain archer who followed behind her shyly. I've only had a few drinks but watching Natasha stand and talk to everyone looking as amazing as ever brought me so much happiness. "I think it's time y/n." Clint says softly next to me. I nod and grab yelena from the bar.

"Natasha come here." Yelena says half drunkenly. Natasha walks over and smiles at us. "What is this you gonna hand me off belova?" Nat smiles as she looks between us. "No cyka I'm here for your gift." Yelena scoffs and walks to get a small box badly wrapped in gold wrapping paper. Natasha looks at me in question and I raise my shoulders in thought. "Since I know you loved mine so much." She laughs loudly as Natasha opens the gift. A dark green army vest with costume engraving and so. Many. Pockets. "Спасибо сестра." Natasha smiles down at the item. Placing it on the table as she starts to open Steve's gift. A perfume bottle, expensive. She thanks him politely as she opens Bruce's gift.

Gift by gift she opened, smiling and laughing while doing so. Tony gave her alcohol and a necklace and Clint gave her a new pistol.

It was now time for my gift. It wasn't on the table but in my pocket, I've been meaning to give this to her for a long time and what better day to do it than on her birthday. "Natasha." Clint clears his throat, signaling over to me as she turns around.I pull the little velvet box out of my pocket, facing Natasha with a smile on my face. She looks down at the box, eyes watering as the brightest smile appears on her face. She reaches out for the box, taking it into her soft hand as she looks inside.

"You didn't.. Y/n?" Natasha smiles up at me, small tears falling from her cheeks as she puts on the full diamond studded ring that I bought her. She's been talking about it for months, ever since we went shopping together for the first time. "Happy 39th, angel." I smile. Natasha quickly drops the box and picks me up in a hug, spinning me around the room like she's found me after 20 years. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you y/n." She says after peppering light kisses all over my face. This is it. The moment I've been waiting for since we've met. Seeing her as happy as she can be brings tears to my eyes. I love her so much.

"Don't thank me baby I did it all for you, whatever it takes I'll be by your side Natasha. I adore you." I say to her, still holding her waist as she pulls me in for a kiss. "Alright alright enough with the sentiment kids time for the after party." Tony booms over the microphone. I flip him off and spin Natasha in my arms, kissing her lovingly as some of the avengers start to clap. "So I'm guessing I did ok right?" I ask Natasha with a blush on my face, looking down to the ring on her slender finger. "You did perfectly my love, thank you giving me the best birthday I've had in years." She smiles turning back to everyone and thanking them. We left shortly after, with nat saying she wanted to celebrate with me alone. We had dinner in the nicest restaurant in New York then slept in each others arms peacefully.

That's the night I got engaged to Natasha Romanoff.


First off if you got this far congrats, I haven't written a long fic in a while. Anyway happy birthday to the most amazing woman to ever walk the earth, thank you for saving me Natasha. I hope your birthday was as good as you wanted it to be.

!!Pls don't forget to vote!!

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