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Chapter 24 - The University Library

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The Muller Library—named after some rich donor, like all the other buildings at Walton University—was exactly as I remembered it. There was a large atrium on the bottom floor filled with a cafe, tables, a bookstore that sold all the student text books for courses, college apparel, and school supplies, and tons of sitting arrangements for study groups. A massive set of cement stairs led up to the second floor, spitting us out in the reservations area. A front desk spanned one wall, with a giant fish tank on the opposite side. Two floors above us, glass windows allowed people to look down at the activity taking place around us.

Christian was waiting, standing with two library employees wearing slacks and polos with the WU insignia on the breast. "Took you long enough," Christian said, his eyes darting to me. "Candy, right?" I glanced around and nodded. Christian's gaze lingered on Bastian, a question in his eyes, but he didn't voice it.

"This is Alex and Sarj," Christian said, instead. They were both student employees. Alex was heavy set, with pale skin and shaggy auburn hair. Sarj was gangly and darker skinned, a medium brown toffee, with black hair expertly styled. They glanced between Christian and Bastian, fidgety and nervous.

I'd probably feel the same way at their age, especially around Bastian. If he made people like Eaden nervous, I couldn't imagine how these two were feeling.

"Alex and Sarj are going to show us to the glass displays that are missing their artifacts. Gentlemen?" Christian stepped aside, motioning with his hand.

We were taken to the third floor where the stacks began. This had always been my favorite floor. It was filled with academic texts from A to Z. A Mecca of learning. I'd spent countless hours on this floor, curled up on one of the many couches, or at the tables, my head down, studying. Now it was just a reminder of what I'd given up. A reminder of the past. Of Luke.

A shudder raced down my spine. Bastian's hand found my back, as if sensing my emotions. His fingers stroked gently, once, twice, then he dropped his arm.

The first glass case was medium sized, empty except for the artifact stand, and a plaque with a black and white image depicting the location it had been found, and information about the item. The Cauldron of Illoch, was written in bold letters. Beneath it, a description of what it had been used for—to prepare meals—the types of people that would have used it. I knew it as Hayden's Cauldron, which had been found amid the ruins of Illoch, the temple of rejuvenation. But it was certainly not used for eating, if the rumors of its magic were to be believed.

We moved on to several more displays, all of which were items believed to be simple artifacts, of nothing more than historical value, but I knew better. With each empty display, my belly dropped lower. Ayla's Bag, Pybalt's Horn, Meera's Comb. The list went on. My limbs turned cold at the last, though. Gideon's Harp. I bit my lip, regarding the empty case, reading the description.

Professor Miller had acquired the harp on one of her archeological adventures long before I'd arrived at the university. I knew she had extensive records about it, had even mentioned it in a class or two, staying within the limits of human belief. But she and I had discussed it deeper.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. This was it. It had to be. I didn't believe in coincidences this perfect. I caught Bastian eyes. He must have read my look well enough. His gaze darted to the empty display, then back to me. I lifted my brows.

"Well, that's all of them," Sarj said, a nervous pitch to his voice. "Is...was there anything else you'd like to see, sir? Anything else we can help with?" he asked Christian.

Christian shook his head. "I think that's good for now. You guys can head back to the front desk. We might hang around a bit, if that's fine with you." It wasn't a question.

The Sleeper's Harp (The Arcane Artifacts, #1)Where stories live. Discover now