"Carter Mathes!"

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I just wanted to say that this is my story. I write it how I want. Don't like it? Don't read it.

(Listen to song at beginning!!)

I'm running. I keep running because I can't stop now. I won't stop. I won't let them win.

The leaves sway in the wind, that is created when I run by. The soil beneath my toes covers my feet in a new layer.

Howls. They're coming. I hear this footsteps behind me, slowly closing in. It only urges me to go faster.

Flickers of light shine through the trees as I near the edge of the tree line. Cheers can be heard from the excited pack members.

My wolf cheers and urges me further. Almost there.

I come into the clearing and the pack members just get louder when they see me. A smile breaks out on my face. I push myself faster the last few feet.

The closer I get to the fire pit, the louder my friends get. My brother is the loudest out of all of them. I giggle, and run the last few strides. I slam the stake into the rock pile right next to the fire. The pack erupts even more, excited that I won.

"And the winner of tonight's capture the flag is....Carter Mathes!" My brother announces to the pack. Everyone cheers.

I jump up with my hands in the air as the rest of the competitors come into view. They all come pat me on the back, congratulating me. Everyone does so, everyone but Sugar. Sugar Jones. Long time bully and hater. Not to mention pack slut. She just glares at me. I was careful not to stare for too long, rumor has it that you can practically get STD's from the sight of her. A risk I'm not willing to take.

With a smirk in her direction, I turn away heading towards my friends.

"I don't know how you do it! Carter! You are amazing. Can you just please marry me now?!" Jackson asked, going down on one knee.

Ahh, Jackson. Long time best friend and partner in crime. I don't know what I would do without him. No we aren't mates, but anyone would be lucky to be his mate...even me.

"Jackson!" I yell, and playfully slap his arm. "You're hilarious," I say with a giggle.

"Great job Sis," Rucker, my brother, says to me.

"Thanks! I learned from the best!" I tell him with a wink. Rucker is my older brother. He's currently 20, soon to be 21. He's also the Alpha of my pack. He took over for our dad when he turned 18.

After my parents gave the Alpha position to Rucker, they went to work for the Royal pack. Soon after they became members as well. I was only 16 at the time and didn't want to leave. So my brother and his mate, Jasmine, took me in. A favor I will never be able to repay.

"That was great! I love you so much, kid!" He tells me, embracing me in tight hug. "What do you say? Should we head home?" He asks, and I nod.

We start walking towards our house, leaving all the other pack members by the fire. The walk home was short, and soon we are inside for the night.

Jasmine, as I already said, is my brother's mate. They met each other very young and mated very quickly. It's pretty normal for mates to have children at a young age. In some packs, it's encouraged.

She was sitting on the couch when we came in. Rucker walks over and gives her a kiss on the forehead. "How was the little monster tonight?" He asks.

"He was pretty good tonight. But it took forever for him to fall asleep. He is just so hard headed. I think he gets that from you." Jasmine says with a giggle. Rucker growls playfully. "How were games tonight?" Jasmine asks.

"It was fun! Carter won again, not that it's a shock or anything. But I missed you, Baby." He says in a loving tone.

I smile to myself, thinking about how cute they are. I want a mate so bad. I have always wanted someone to care for me, and I've always wanted to take care of them. I want what my brother and his mate have.

My parents are a little distant. Always have been. But it's worse now that they are part of the Royal pack. I have a lot of time to myself, not that I mind but as you might suspect, it can get lonely.

"You guys...I'm getting pretty tired. I think I'm going to head to bed now. Have a good night, you two!" I excuse myself and walk towards my room. Before I leave the living room, I shout over my shoulder, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

I hear their soft chuckles as I walk down the dark hallway, flipping on a light before I continue any further. I stop by my nephew's room and watch him for a minute. He looks so much like Rucker. He's only 3 years old. Like I said, they mated young.

I close his door and take the stairs to my bedroom. I quickly shower, and change into pj's before jumping into my bed.

My muscles ache as I slowly fall asleep but the exhaustion makes sleep come easy. A restful night only to wake up to the screams of my little nephew...

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