twenty-one. just friends

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MOM AND DAD disappear right before the escort dance, so Jeremiah goes to find them. I can't help but notice that when he gets back, there's a strange look on his face. He looks thoughtful, and that's when I first notice that something's wrong.

Before I can think more about it, the escort dance starts which causes laughter and cheers from the crowd. I find myself laughing more than once as Jeremiah catches my eyes and makes silly expressions at me.

At the end, though, I notice him looking upset. I have no idea what to do about that.

For about half an hour, we're all sitting around the table laughing and joking and just having fun. When we get up to dance with our escorts, Adrian and I get into position. I glance over and find Belly standing there but no Jeremiah in sight.

My eyebrows furrow and I start looking around to catch a glimpse of curly blonde hair, but I can't. He's not here.

I keep waiting, but he doesn't show up.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath. Looking up at Adrian, I send him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry."

He just smiles and nods to the exit door. I smile back and then pick my dress up so it's easier to move. Quickly walking around, I start looking for Jeremiah. Once I'm sure he's not inside, I step outside, the cool summer breeze making me feel light on my feet.

I look to my left and then to my right but don't spot him. Walking down the stairs and around the side of the building to the pool, I suddenly see a hunched figure sitting on some steps. Even in the dark, I can recognize that body anywhere.

I start making my way over to him and then freeze. His shoulders are shaking. His head is hanging limply, one of his hands holding it up.

He's crying.

Immediately, I walk closer just as he lets out a soft sob. My heart clenches. I reach out my hand to touch his back as I sit down beside him. His head shoots to the side to stare at me. There's red in his eyes where the white should be, and the blue in his irises has turned so sad that I don't think I've ever seen him like this before.

"What happened?" I ask quietly, hoping my voice sounds calm even though that's the last thing I'm feeling right now.

I keep rubbing his back reassuringly as he looks down at his hands and holds out a phone. I notice that it's Susannah's.

Confused, I take the phone from him and look at the email that is open on the screen.

And my heart drops.

And my breath falls short.

And it feels as if someone tore open my chest and took out my heart, squeezing it over and over and over until there was nothing left.

On the subject line of the email, are the words Re: Upcoming Cancer Trials.

I can't stop the sob from leaving my chest. I feel like screaming. I feel like throwing something.

How the fuck had I not noticed? That Susannah had started getting more tired, that she had been sleeping more, that something wasn't fucking right.

Turning my body, without thinking, I wrap my arms around Jeremiah and hug him as tightly as I possibly can. I hug him with everything in me because I can't even imagine what he must be going through right now.

"I'm sorry," I sob into his chest. "I'm so sorry."

My tears start soaking his blazer as his arms come up around my waist and hold me closer to him. He hides his face in the crook of my neck, his nose against the spot where my shoulder meets my neck.

𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐀 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now