is someone watching ? [ 1 ]

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warnings for this fanfic
- gore
- mental health issues
- throwing up
- nightmares
- abuse
- alcoholism
- drugs
- smut ( maybe )
- suicide mentions and self harm

If you are uncomfortable with this please leave, there will be warning at the start of each chapter if it's needed.

AN: Before you start reading, Hello my name is marz and I'm the author. This is my first fanfic I have written. Everyone belongs to there owners ( unless there a dick, then the fandom owns them ). The only characters that belong to me are Lilith, kozan and Y/N

Y/N uses he/they pronouns and is a Pansexual, demi-boy. Other than that y/n is up to your interpretation. Have fun reading!!


There was one room in your apartment that I  never touched. Ever. That room always stayed locked. It was the room of the closet friend I ever had. Her name was Lilith. She had beautiful pink hair, which had originally been blonde. She also had beautiful blue eyes. They would change shade with the weather, so we always knew what the weather was going to be that day. I had to admit I had had a crush on her, but she wasn't dating material. She was toxic for me. She brought out the worst in everything I  did. Drugs, sex and mental illness gradually got worse around that girl. This girl was her, but she was a demon. But this girl was your friend and the only person that loved you.

The night she went missing was one I would never forget. We had been walking home to our apartment on the other side of town. I remember her suggesting having a pit stop at the abandoned mental institution in the woods to look at the stars, like usual. That's where it went wrong. Lilith had taken us out to a bar in celebration of finishing a song on drums that had taken me months to perfect. It was karaoke night so me and Lilith sang a few songs and had a fuck tone of drinks. Luckily, due to my teenage and very illegal years of drinking, I could handle my drinks fairly well. Now you where in this abandoned building watching the stars and relaxing. Sounds like a normal night to me. Lilith was playing music from there phone and eating a pizza we had bought on the way home but where now eating here. I didn't mind.
"Hey y/n, I'm just going to have a look around see if there is anything cool here, I'll be right back" Lilith was stood near the doorway of the room I had picked to use ready to go "exploring". You waved your hand and chuckled.
"Go do whatever lilth I don't care, just don't do anything stupid"
She smiled and with a pep in her step, left. I don't remember anything else from that night, but when I woke up she wasn't anywhere to be seen. A day later you filed for a missing person's. A few weeks after she disappeared, police found her clothes in the woods a few miles out from town. The clothes had been ripped and shredded. A hunter had found them, while out. The thing that man found strange was that he took the same route everyday and he had never seen them there before. You had been to interrogation after interrogation. The police had eventually found you not guilty. After finding the clothes, the police didn't think they would find Lilith alive. They where right. A month exactly after finding the clothes, her body was found. She was naked and had been sewn up on several parts of her body, more near her stomach. A few of her fingers where missing and her tattoos had been skinned off her. But her head was the worst of all. Her head had been split open by a gun shot. We all knew it was a shot gun. I had hoped it was before all the other injuries. The coroners had ruled it as a murder and the body of the victim to never be shown.

But that was 7 months ago. After a suicide attempt which ended up in me being hospitalised and then sent to a mental health facility for 5 months. I where okay at best. Now I was stood in the shower letting the water hit me. The warmth of the water seemed to calm and relax me. Once I had finished in the shower I bandaged up my scars and got changed into dark blue jeans, a queen tshirt and a zip up brown hoodie. After getting changed, I strolled into the kitchen and grabbed my bag, which contained ciggerates and a lighter, a pocket knife, house and car keys and a purse. Everything for a trip out. I quickly put my black boots on, grabbed my phone and left the apartment, triple checking it's locked before leaving. 

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