A matter of time [5]

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TIM'S POV [ a few hours after meeting y/n ]

"Tim please calm down, it's just a target."

Brian had been pleading with me for the past hour, while walking to the mansion, to make me forget about the victim.

"But they weren't where they, something happend, I just need to remember it."

I had passed out before killing the bitch and woke up to them not being there anymore. No blood trail. No footprints. Its like they where there and then, they weren't. It had been racking my brain since it happened. Toby doesn't remember anything and brian doesn't either.

"Tim you need to remember that, there are things bigger than us. They could have been a deamon for all we know, the only reason we needed kill them was because of wrong time, wrong place. So we couldn't have know."

Brian was always the more logical and straight forward one out of us and in all honesty, his theory made sense. But why would a deamon not try to attack from the get go. I'll have to report this to slender, he would know.

"Ah Tim, brian, toby, how did the mission go?"  slender asked as we walked in to his office. Closing the door behind me, I went and sat between brian and toby. Brian was the first to speak.
"Well...we think we may have ran into a deamon, but we don't think they know what they are."
The aura in the room shifted, slender knew something. His shoulders moved up in a mock intake of a deep breath and sighed.
"I was hoping that you wouldn't encounter the deamon your talking about"
Slender stood up and walked over to the book shelf on the left side of his desk and pulled a book out. The book looked about 200 years old, with the paper yellowing and the book binding withering away. He walked back to his desk, sat down and carefully placed the book on his desk.

"Sir if I may ask, what is that ?" Toby asked as his neck cracked and hand smacked his leg in a tic.

"This.....this is what the cult would call there bible. It was created in 1683 by a guy called Edward fox, who believed he had seen the future through the eyes of a 'god', that god being a strong deamon called kozan"

I shook my head "This 'deamon' looked like a human sir and how is this history lesson answering our questions"

Slender sighed "Tim just listen to what I have to say, the history links to an answer, and knowing this information will be good when I send you to make them a proxie."

What. "Sir did you just say proxie?" Brian questioned.

"I will get to that later now listen. The cult then called themselves the order, and nicknamed there 'god' kozan the bringer of gifts. Kozan would give children born in the cult a 'gift', his gift being an ability that kozan posseses" He took a breath and continued.

"This continued up untill the 1900s when all know information about this cult and cult members dissappeard without a trace, for 50 years they where never mentioned again. But in the 60s 2 facilities opened, one in America and one in Britain. They claimed to be there to 'help' children who seemed 'diffrent'."

Slender stopped for a second, he seemed like he didn't want to continue. But he spoke up again.
"These facilities experimented and abused young kids, in hope of trying to reach or contact kozan, turns out the 'goverment' run facilities where actaully what the cult had been working on for 50 years. The kids had been gifted by kozan and thats why they where there. Many children died before going to the facility, but many more died inside of them."

Brian spoke up before slender continued on,
"Do you think this person is from a facility or something"

Slender spoke with no emotion in his voice,
"No....I think this person was in the facility but escaped when I slaughted them all. I think kozan had attached himself to this human, and if I can make them a proxie, they will be under my control and protection meaning I can keep tabs on them. It also means I can kill kozan."

The Boy who loved the monstersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ