Chapter Eleven: Adulting

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"It didn't take long to finish though, no more than four or five minutes is that normal?" I ask.

"Sure it can be however long you want it to be and maybe he was just trying to be careful you know being unprotected and all," Lottie says sounding much more filled with happiness. "He could have ended it so short for your well-being as well, did you show obvious signs of pain, nervousness, or discomfort through the process?"

I was very nervous since it was my first time, and being exposed to the eyes of a man I've known forever for the first time was kinda scary since I wasn't sure what he'd think of me. But it instantly disappeared when he smiled and kissed my body.

The pain was only in the beginning when he pushed up my vagina with his man parts, as he told me that night I was small.

But being inexperienced he still told me I was perfect even though I felt like I hardly did anything.

"Not really it...felt good," I whisper a little embarrassed to say it out loud.

She opens her mouth to speak when the bell goes off.

"Well I guess it's time for class, I'll see you later." She says and grabs her bag standing up from the bench.


Once school was over I headed out to my car with my bag and keys in hand ready to go out apartment hunting.

I've done some online searching during lunch and I've found a few that has caught my eye the best part is neither of them was far from dad or Austin only five or ten minutes apart.

I was sad this morning when dad told me to move out but not anymore I'm quite excited now. It gives me a chance to figure out things on my own and to grow as a mature independent adult.

I want to prove to dad that just because I'm a pregnant teenager I can do anything just like I've always done and plan to accomplish.

I sit in my car and set my bag on the seat next to me and shut my car door but someone held it open. Looking up at who it was a handsome white smile spreads across his face.

"You mind if I join you?"

"W-what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be at work?"

He chuckles. "Aren't you happy to see me? No hug or kiss?" He says.

I instantly turn serious after remembering what he did. "Why should I do that after what you did this morning you said not a single word or looked at me and just left."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that your dad was being stubborn about my plans with you and the baby and it frustrated me to the point I just left. But believe me, I wanted to turn back and kiss those pretty lips of yours good morning." A smile reappears spreading across his cheeks once again.

"You did?"

"Positive." He bends down and takes my hand guiding me out of the car.

Are we really going to do this in the school parking lot where a lot of students flood in to leave? Is this his way of saying we can be public about our relationship?

A smile slowly creeps to my cheeks when Austin leans forward holding the back of my head to kiss me.

I close my eyes and give in putting my arms around him as he explores my mouth. But only for a short minute then I push him away when I hear people close by.

Pregnant By Dad's Best Friend #1Where stories live. Discover now